Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: Two years, much learning experiences Apart from all those disasters that I went through, these two years proved to be a turning point in my life particularly due to national service. So theres nothing much after what happened on my last post just that after Ive finished my final exams, Ive been on a temporary jobhunt for 3 weeks or so. And I worked at Bata selling shoes and accesories. It was like a birthday present to me as I got that job 2 days before my birthday. Work is tough as most of the times you had to sacrifice your weekends, since this is retail line and you only get off on a weekday.
And I left my job in July, 2 months before my enlistment because I wanted a long break before my enlistment and furthermore its fasting month.. And my dear uncle passed away the day after I left my job. It was shocking as he has always been very healthy and his death came as a sudden. But Allah still loves him more.
My Raya was cut short because of national service enlistment and I missed the mood. 040912 was the date that changed me. I was put through lots of gruelling test from my section commanders, platoon sergeant and platoon commander, from stand by beds, push ups, crunches, rifle overhead, rushing up and down from bunk to coyline and getting shouted at by our kay siao platoon sergeant at that time
Yeah you guessed it. Punished for not singing loudly during route march, punished for not packing ten pack items properly, ended up tearing ziploc bags, punished for not maintaining rifle discipline. Its all part and parcel of the learning process. And after 4 months of this thing, I finally Passed out on 050113
This is Mohawk Coy Platoon 1. been through all the shit for 4 months and now we are on our own ways. And Im now posted to driver vocation, having a Military driving licence in which some are lucky to have. Part 1 done. Part 2 coming up
title: Hiatus Im now back to blogging because of certain reasons that I need to settle. The last post before this says about friendship, and Im continuing it from there. Ive been a way for too long because of incidents and things that almost damage my reputation. Not only my reputation but my familys reputation too. Its suprising how a close friend can hurt other peoples parents indirectly. Sometimes people talk bad about others behind their back. They may seem that others do not hear but walls do have hears and in this case, someone must have conveyed the message to my parents till they were offended. A simple words like, "what only" and "show off" can really have a deep impact. To the closest one it means nothing but to my family, it really hurts deep because they are doing it out of their goodwill. Humans these days dont appreciate the good deed of others and they tend to forget till they criticise others. Sometimes it hurts so much that they come to a point where forgiveness is not an option. It only takes an outside party to destroy a friendship.. one to set up the arson and the other to start the arson. Thats how my life is like burning to pieces. Now its 2013 and all i wanted now is to rebuild my life from where it ended |
title: Its been a while Good morning guys. If those of you who have tracked my blog for a long time, its been a jolly 2 years since I last posted. And I remember I decided to close this blog but it seems that I have many stories to tell. So I decided to reopen this blogpost after 2 years. So much have happened during these hiatus.
Yes Im now currently serving national service. And Im now a driver of the SAF..... driving trucks and cars and whoozing all over Singapore hahah. Stay tuned for more.
title: So long have not updated Well so long have been leaving this dusty blog for years hahahaa. |
title: So now today is the start of the holidays
After all the stresses of going through exams The worse part of exams is that it coincide with Eid Mubarak this year And first paper falls on the eve of Eid. And nevertheless paper was done and finished Holidays is the time where I will get bored at hopme 24/7 and have been stuck to this comp since 1pm After this well gotta go off Well now I am in a stage of my last few months as a Temasek Poly student And there are many things I love/hate about my life here But life here I have to admit is much better compared to my secondary school life despite all that have happened in here...... Secondary school life....... should I say "thrash" But despite the thrash, I still manage to pull through and get the course I wanted and soon I will be graduating......... And now I have invested something that will prove to me productive I just got my majestic Nikon DSLR camera And it seems that someone wants me to be the official photographer for them hahaa Well it seems my holidays are not empty though |
title: Time flies fast Yes not long later we all will be celebrating hari raya aidilfiitri... Well this year maybe hari raya will be as lively as my grandparents were present while they are still alive.. Well at least with the presence of some angels to lighten up this years spirit, well the mood for aidilfitri is back Cant wait for it... Now the "family"is getting bigger The more the merrier and my favourite thing Kecoh Kecoh Di Hari Raya Haha I dunno why I love havoc so much Well no havoc no fun And of all those Im looking forward to... Well consider this a small family Now imagine if this family grows twice the population in this pic So can imagine how havoc this years raya would be Especially when I open my doors to them for raya Well to think that my house is too small for their accomodation We will see... haha Ok and next to focus... exams Boohoo Okay now going off... |
title: Then I am limping now I am running soon I am Flying And that is how the daily life of me as everyday I tried to keep myself flying high
But the limp is just only temporary And when you feel that you are no longer limping, all you can afford to do is run Run and chase after what you have Sometimes we fall sometimes we pant along the way But determination is all you need to get over these obstacles And soon you feel like flying high Fly high till you reach the sky of no limits And thats how my life went So now back to the main topic and I know this post seems kinda late I remember my last post was all about dikir barat And how we are fighting for this competition. Whoops Here is the big family of dikir barat boys team Man this is just boys i repeat JUST BOYS I know the girls are also another big bunch For this comp the boys will send two teams This is the B team (Pee Yes Tee) consisting of mostly new breeds. Fresh from the oven. This is Team A (Panjy Sry Temasek) also known as the Big Brother group. The bis boss of us is playing in this team and I am playing for this too.... We got the young guns, we got the Big Bros... and who else we missed out?? Ahhh!!!! This is the team that we will remember in 2011 (oops dun say 2011... for life) The lovely ladies of Nira Nyertika...... Well this is the team that will blow you away Blow wind blow..... And well in this comp we will sum up this 3 teams... here is the equation: Young guns + Big brother + Lovely Ladies =..... Result? Ok before that lets flashback to the same competition in 2010: We came in 2nd from the same comp in the previous years.... At that time consider this team full of new breeds because the moment we entered dikir barat, we were told to represent TP in this... And wonder where the previous years senior went..... Now new breeds of last year became the experienced breed So if last year we won 2nd... this year? Okay this is totally havoc But nevertheless we went on stage for 2 times again like last year... Which means? We are in the top 3 Not only my team but Team B too!!! Panjy Sry Temasek gt 3rd, Pee Yes Tee got 2nd First place went to Singapore Poly guys... And in a close encounter to be in the top 3... The girls clinched 4th... An improvement but fate can only decide but they won the best girls group..... Gd! So its all a matter of hardwork and perseverance So next comp.... aim for 1st perhaps? Haha but this shows that the Dikir Barat in Temasek Poly is showing some progress.... Hopefully this arts which shows vibrance will not die just like that....... |
title: Well all those bad things happening in my secondary school life have really made an impact on me now..... And I am in the process of a comeback..... And alhamdulillah dikir barat have made me realise my potential And my capabilities |
title: Reflections These painful lesson including what happened 5 months ago taught me a lot of things about friendship, patience and how you handle those problems. |
title: Flashback July 2008 2008 is the year I bacame almost dead, given what Ive gone through and all those war of words that could hurt me. If those war of words are like real swords, maybe Im dead like pieces of meat by just chopping me with those swords. |
title: Flashback October 2007 2007 is considered to be one of the greatest downfall of my life. Seriously you sometimes gonna get disturbed for nothing and even without you even creating any trouble they just disturbed you just like that. |
title: Flashback May 2007 Okay before I start, I just wanna apologise if I ever cause any unhappiness to you in anyway from 5 years ago to now. I know I had to admit I was an attention seeker last time, doing all I could and even doing the lamest of the lamest thing. But if you think thay all I post here is because of my lamest act like this, well its not, because the more I keep things to myself, the more I will suffer throughout my life. And this is the only place I can pour my thoughts and relieve suffering. Flashbacks will be posted here once in a while. ![]() |
title: Pick yourselves up Sometimes you do something you gotta lie all you can to cover yourself up. Especially when you wanna do something bad. You pick on people put the blame on them claiming "Hey that wasnt my fault. You are starting to get on my nerves". And now people still resort to disturbing someone weaker or smaller whenever he/she did a mistake that unknowingly pisses people off like jokes. Okay some jokes are untolerable thats a fact. But when these things took too far beyond, all eyes are on them and they will do all they can to just be dominant. Like well having secret followers to bombard them with all their pain in the *** comments and even make use of convos with others to just hurt someone. Words are the sword of the body and tears are just blood due to the words. So what do they use? For example, you saw someone you dont like and first thing that comes to your mind was "Hey how come his ear is like gnomes?" So all you do is approached hom and called "Hey gnome, you need a surgery to your ear." Apologies if any of these is related to you but this is just a metaphor of what I experienced |
title: Flying high Introducing my new "cockpit" |
title: Wahh this is what happens if u left blog for long..... |
title: Days are over well i havent been blogging for almost 2 months now and now its almost covered with dust
Well i remember the last post is in january and throughout these few months its been a tough call for me especially if we know who the real friends are and who are not... Didnt know these people do exist and there you are behaving like sec sch kids Having clans and attacking one person Well i dunno what you will benefit from that. Trying to act big huh? I know i am prone to be dusturbed I have to admit that but what u have been doing was way too far But I am thankful now that everything has ended and after the internship of ups and downs well gy myself involved in a malay production play as a calefare. "Oh Safiyyah" is the name of the play. And I heard that its full house for this well makes me feel grand for sometime yeah. The show is on March 31st so hope u cn come down and see yeah. |
title: As time pass by it gets tougher And well time passes very fast
Soon we will be welcoming the new poly students cum April The release of the O lvl result means that they will come here in shortest time Talking bout o lvls well just gt the news from my cousin mustapha He did badly in his subjects Well he sounded sad when he announced his result to my mum Well times are tough nowadays I remember when I sat for o lvls The english paper is the killer And now I heard that maths paper I think is difficult Well seriously times are getting tough So is my programme at Lufthansa Technik And juz now I finally manahed to do housing of the power supply And i was like lagging behind, way behind So tomorrow need to settle the wiring Seriously i cannot wait for chinese new year break Cos ever since LTT started Ihave gone bonkers Well schedules are tight though And because of that hard to find a slot for my driving test And i dunno if I were allowed to take the test on the tentative date (nxt wk) Hope Mr Koh would allow me to cos time would pass by very fast And i dun wanna waste anymore money on this Breaks breaks breaks Well i cant wait for the february getaway Lets just say that Ill keep my getaway secret And its hard to post this blog on iphone And well thinking of switching to tumblr And i remembered that I have a tumblr acc But I cant rmbr its password Haiz But I think bloggers can do good esp making formal blog post like this To me tumblr is an informal way of blogging So if u still use blogger be proud Cos u have shown ur professionalism in expressing urself Haha but tumblr could also be useful for those ewho are busy and had no time to blog I wonder if I could continue doing this blogpost But i hope i cn do it Consistently Let this blog post tell my failures and successes And let this blog post tell how I picked up from my past struggles in life Be it lve, friendship, jealousy or anything But i hqve to admit that I am nt being jealous of anybody Soi hope that u cn read my Archive to see how far ive come |
title: Goodbye 2010, hello 2011 ![]() well time flies very fast the moment when we said this on 1/1/2010 at 12midnight and now as 2010 came to a close, these words are a thing of the past and now its Hello 2011 well yeah as new year comes, I realise that I am too fast to be a year older so 2011 I will turn 19 and now I take this time to reflect on myself on 2010 1. Past and the present - And 2010 this is the biggest tumble ever for me. I could not even describe how the feeling when talked about what happened some 3-4 years back. And Im glad that I made it through these times. But still people from these times came back to haunt me. And well whatever said by them is all false, just to add the misery of the doubt. But the world is full of lies, anybody can be fooled but one day the truth is gonna hurt itself. And I still could remember of how someone tried to talk bad about me in which in fact its all false facts, even though some parts might be true. I remember how you told my mum about my "bad" things and how I ended up being ashamed in front of everyone at changi village. Seriously u know the feeling how I was humiliated in public!!! And well my mum came to tell me who did it only one month after the humiliation. 2. Of love and romance - well honestly I failed a lot when it comes to love and romance and 2010 is the worst year of love and romance.... and I remember the fateful split in 2006 and since then I became the failure in this. But insyallah in 2011 it will change course. And hopefully for the better 3. Interest - haha and well 2010 was the year I entered dikir barat arts scene. Well I love dikir barat since young but it seems to me that my interest has deepened when our dikir barat nteam won 2nd in inter poly competition. And well its like nine months that I'm in this arena but I hope that I would be able to deepen my knowledge in this as years passed, and I have high hopes for this... 4. Studies -haha well it seems that I've done pretty average in studies and certainly I don't wanna drop my grades further to lose my chance to get into a university degree. And hopefully I could happily graduate with diploma in Aerospace Electronics with a better grade and hopefully a certificate of recognition with Lufthansa Technik So well still have more to write for this but dunno when shall I put it.... haha well my reflections will continue later today when I dig out all my 2010 memories Ok ciao!!!!! and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!!!!! |
title: Hoilidays Hola
Welcome to holidays Yeah finally time to relax, distress and forget all about internship and well now we are almost entering 2011 and well new resolution So whats ur resolution? Hmm well diff people have different resolution like this year well the resolution is to strengthen friendship so for 2011 i am going on a journey of soul searching Well all I wanted is to find out my hidden qualities and figuring how it can be put to good use that's my main resolution Other resolution? -umm be tukang karut or juara of dikir barat -joining outside group of dikir barat -hoping to find my soulmate (insyallah) -meeting new friends Well probably these reasons are somewhat realistic but its up to HIM to fulfil my resolution but for now jus focus on working out on these resolution |
title: Revival And now im falling ill
And workshop i had to make trips to the toilet roll near the sink to get rid of this irritating thing Haiz... well mucus keep running out of my nose like a tap Now its the flu season already and wheeezzz!!!!!!!!!! Tissue, tissue here and there Hope it doesnt get worse tmrw Brrrr Ah yes now I managed to make this blog alive hehehe so i could give my link to ppl so that they can read about whats happening esp me hehee Wonder how many people visit my blog will it end up like stock market? ![]() not exactly the statistics of my blog okay time to''angkat'' a bit bout my blog well this blog was created in 18 april 2009 under a different name cant remember what name it is changed its name on 1 May 2009 again I dunno the name and on 1 april 2010, the current name still stands but post are rare so it was between july 2009 that my blog became a hit just like the song Ïce Ice Baby"in the mid 90s but it was a one hit wonder at that time now Im trying to be not really a professional blogger But just a personal blogger sharing personal views So apart from my daily life I will bring topics up also here So pls come here to see the topics that Im gonna raise ![]() yes we want ur opinions too so make use of the tagboard to comment |
title: 2 more weeks Well all I can say is to say hello to year end vacation
Two weeks time and by now I have felt the bore, anguish and happiness in my internship Now by then, we might demand a long break And well the year end break would give me sone hope for rejuvenation Well certainly Meeting lecturers of diff background proved to be a test to us for some Some follow steictly to rules, others tend to be a bit flexible But well that is life Meeting people both good and bad, hate em, love em, praise em Thats what we all deserve in the end And 2011 is around the corner And what i wish for for 2011? hmm first thing -get a driving licence -get my certificate of recognition by Lufthansa Technical Training -be a happier person -hoping to save as much money as possible and lastly -meeting someone special in life I would say the last one is an option for me cos I had to put my ambitions and commitment first Ambition I would say is to work in the aerospace industry Maybe I could work in maintenance, repair and overhaul? Or even get a degree, probably in engineering? Hmm..... But insyallah if Allah permits for me to meet the one, I would be most thankful to Him Now im 18 years old, going to 19 in March (4 months time) and yet still on a journey to discover the inner self And well cant wait to get my licence Class3 but the road is so bumpy Well of course there would always be obstacle on ur way And well need to overcome it ourselves And hope that I will pass my test Ok cya |
title: So now where are we? Hehe yeah
Now its been a few weeks since I last updated this dusty old blog Now well my blogging mode has going down and now hoping that my first attempt to keep this alive has returned now a new fresh blog emerge old style of blogging have gone downm and out even my style of typing have gone down and out to haha see the obvious spelling mistake now i am busy with my 78 day internship programme with Lufthansa Techinical Training haha must highlight My ambition is to become an aircraft engineer thats why i chose this course And when you are almost like in the second year of study, you would probably have thought of ur future To work or to continue further studies Well this could be crucial esp in this case ![]() Ok now back to dikir barat well introducing our proud squad of temasek poly dikir barat hehe well since the start of my internship (or before internship) we have been training for this but the better team wins and now coming event open house!!!!!! Thats the most special event we ever performed yeah haha Ok now posting more soon |
title: 2133 Well now that my attachment seems to keep me away from my free times
well there is a reason why I said so Today I juz finished my module of my class 3 prac so I havent book yet the test daTE Gosh haTe my new keyboard where I tend to accidentally press THE caps like his Irritating rite haha Okay anyway Well when i want to book test date today The available date clashes wif my LTT time MAn gosh how i wish if LTT was like my TP timetable And we cannot book a later dsate than what is stipulated haiz.... Gosh So now back to LTT where boredom is still in its early stages of attachment How I wish we could move forward to some workshop/practical stuffs Man i hate all the boring things in class with 10 mins break How I wish lunch is a bit longer Man.... Wish things change Haiz And now my cca Well now we are on par for our next competition Haha cant wait for the next competition Battling with the big boys.... bigger than us They seemed more professional in this But whatever it is gotta keep believing Ok so short and sweet And ciao |
title: LTT Well so long nvr post
well im in a hurry so no more fanciful post well LTT has just begun The start of my MP/SIP and well its 78 days of training for this and it will end the day after my bday hopefully my 19th bdae present will be I repeat will be a graduation from LTT plus certificate of recognition Urrrgghhh i need that job in aerospace industry!!!!! Oh well today deepavali is a bore and tomorrow is my training Well time to get my blogging shoes again... How many times muz I say that yeah?? haha ok bye |
title: Lets come back to where we left 2.1
And it all goes just like that well the semester's pretty great where I made new friends and even strengthen our friendship through new things and well glory has been on my side And well projects have been a thing of the past and we put it through even though the road's pretty hard exams over and well stil managed to maintait a gpa of 3.02 compared to my first sem in poly where i get 3.54 haiz need to manage at least 3.5 to get into uni lol i surely can do that, if i do well in my final 3 sem Holidays well thats what ive been waiting for taking a break from all the stress and pain well apart from my education journey my life journey is also very bumpy nothing's going right for me but well i will be away this wed to calm my soul to where? well some of my frens have gone to shanghai or philippines and well for me, i would rather take a break in the rural areas I need nature to calm myself down Again i will be going off to kelantan miss the place there lots and lots And of course i will miss my mates here speaking of which man i left some stuff havent packed oh well ok cya around |
title: Well it seems that i have left this blog for lng period of time
And currently things seem alright Well of course now its holiday and speaking of holidays well you might ask me where do i go for holiday. But anyway well Exam results are okay my cumulative gpa is 3.07( must buck up) if not i cannot get into uni. Well i dun wanna end up in overseas university. Imagine that. Shows and more shows of dikir barat keep comin and im excited about the next competition Well ill be away for a 3D2N trip to kelantan well i dunno how long ive ever been been there Haha but anyways keep the post short here so c you soon |
Well Miss dikir training Juz had out training juz now And well we had two shows coming up The moves are much interesting And well enjoyed it Soccer game is fun But I was outpowered by hamdy Haha One point I came crashing to the ground And I miss lots of golden opportunity on goal Haiz Tough luck Really really tough luck And well after outpowered and outwitted Home rest And I had a thigh injury After that So man pain Arrhgh Ok well tomorrow is another boring day Dunno what to do |
title: Well its all over ![]() And yes a semester of suffering comes to a close and now time to go back to regular blogging and honestly the road's getting tough since I join dikir barat, had not much time to blog and even an assignment that is heavy duty i would say and yeah u noe what does heavy duty means? ![]() ahah well not this kind of heavy duty assignment after assignment after assignment well must write a report well report writing suck i would say honestly and the mct assignment well hate programming ttm thats why i dun wanna go to it school haha and man i wonder till now why must we learn c programming.... aside from that the cds well its far from over now late submission and well now i need a longer break all thx to stress build up and hope i will nvr take supp paper in which i eventually would especially in mct and elnfas ![]() Well can i say goodbye to this? maybe cos im waiting for supp paper and confirm now have to note the supp paper date for mct ok studies aside ![]() well its been so long since i last touched ps3 and maybe getting my hands on it haha yesterday's game at ruzana's house prompted me to get my hands on ps3 so maybe lets game on...... oh k thats it for today c u around soon |
title: It's been so long Yes Well so how's the blog doing
Lemme guess well it's on the verge of closing down But I managed to revive it though Haiz well it's almost to end of 2.1 And I have to admit that I have been slacking this semester Haiz And it seems to me that the downfall has begun And well now threats are from people who try to create lies About me Well honestly I am so frustrated Put aside frustration And it's gonna be the end of fasting Month And well Friday it's raya time Can't wait So blogging mood is Gona go back tonite So lookout |
title: Well now its back to regular blogging well im gonna revive back my blog to its usual state i promise
well its been a while since i last blog and now its youth olympic games season and most of us are volunteers and some athletes well this time i needa catch up with my studies studies studies studies and also concentrate on getting my class 3 licence and well it seems im so slow in progress well had to concentrate concentrate well thats all i can blog c u in my nxt post |
title: Back to my usual blogging life AND YESS!!!!!
Finally 2.1 had ended!!!!! and finally after a journey full of escaping potholes, bumpy rides and even trips, falls and slips all thanks to projects aafter projects after projects after projects after projects after assignments after assignments and finally friday is the day where its time to rejoice the stressful semester as it cames to a close well this sem is filled with lots of shows from production crew to dikir barat and for production crew where my last show is the cca awards BAd things happen to me as I met with a minor accident before the event but that was one to remember though dikir barat well towards the closure of sem we had shows like national day celebrations and recently this morning national day observance ceremony at sengkang with the girls team in which I and some from my boys team had to be the percussionists for them fell ill during the last part of 2.1 and well rushing through projects esp MOE where we delay and delay but in the end we presented yeah and well fasting month is 2 days away and well im ready for it and tmrw the torch will be coming to temasek poly well expect it to be a mega event so well thats it |
title: So much for collecting dust well well well
again i left this blog for too long but I promise that once 2.1 is over my blog is back to its own life haha well 2.1 is being a major blow for me where my patience is tested haiz well you cant escape all the accusation, profanity and sometimes its hard for me to control until I could just wanting to murder them instead well...well....welll just as I was about to pick myself up from the ground you pulled me harder to the ground and into the hole of darkness all because of the past man hard for me to forget the past, and no matter how much you tried to even heal the wound the pain is still there for me pain because of heartbreaks, pain because of jealousy, i became victim of all these and its gonna stay in my life till the day where i will close my eyes man O Allah please give me some strength to move on I cant move on in this and the tears I shed have run out and its hard for me to express my true emotions haiz..... well guess have to stay on like this till I die.... man |
title: Blow lots and lots of dust Well *blows the dust
Hmmm nt clear *bllows the dust again well my blog seems dead and yes finally i manage to revive it haha well ever since im gone Ive been suffering with all the struggles of my life Well i was being accused of somethin that i did not even do at all well maybe yes whatever happens in the past do have an impact on me of the future people who tried to make a mountain out of a molehill well last time im just an irritatin boy who irritates others frm being irritating to annoying and yes and soon some stranger juz came into the pic all because of my "frens" who told everything bout me trying to shame me in front of them I dun care who you tell everything bout me but Im confident that you all sooner or later are gonna pay for what you have done and even my self respect was threatened well i wonder what done I have wrong for you other than annoying you or even hurt you Well if you think youre jealous of me then think of urself be thankful over what you have cos by being thankful, you treasure more of what you have and not even try to be jealous of others by hurting them well all that i can say is that you try to rub the salt in the wound ...... grrr i wont talk much but I hope everything that you do has its consequences so be prepared to face it And well 2 weeks more semester end and wish i could press the ffw button so I cn revise on my subjects and graduate the semester well and septembers gonna be a long month cos we gt 2 month break longer than the usual and cant wait for LTT programme yeah!!!!! |
title: Blowwww of the dust well for how long I havent been blogging
ummmm quite long though well now im rushing thru all my projects and assignment man 2.1 is the most hectic in my poly life so far urggghhhh well let me list out the things that bothers me in 2.1 1. ELNFAS project -assignment -group work -presentation 2.Efund project -Lab experiment (which we had lots of prob juz now) -PResentation -and miscellaneous 3.MCT -PBL -Project development 4. Management of Enterprise -Business plan 5. Class tee -no comment.... headache now you see how much stressed I am from my absence so far till i gt nothing to post about these days serious well cant wait for school sem to end in which I can solely concentrate of getting my licence and well seems that in my account i have no more $$$ left need to ask dad to topup if nt.... i cant take the FTT and practical test haiz and man i feel that im no longer who i was in the past In the past, I used to be the hyper livewire with 500v of unstoppable madness now im juz a reserved figure..... juz keepin quiet mostly well is that a progress or so? To some yes but honestly, some things bothering me all these while and thats why im in the state as i am now brrr somethings gonna get fixed somewhere here well ok tmrw my quiz and well nvr study gd job! |
title: Well how am I |
title: Well monday and tuesday well seems that i might go on an occasion where i might post this on rare occasions
well now ever since i have a cca, well no time for this and that haha well man these few days sees me as very tiring well mon had to prepare for the cca awards tomorrow and well im bored of handling the lights at TCC haiz well today programming i almost fell asleep haiz and MOE well i am rushing thru the lab assignment no time so juz copy and at dikir barat, just get used to season our voices sigh im falling asleep soon so bb |