Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: Revival And now im falling ill
And workshop i had to make trips to the toilet roll near the sink to get rid of this irritating thing Haiz... well mucus keep running out of my nose like a tap Now its the flu season already and wheeezzz!!!!!!!!!! Tissue, tissue here and there Hope it doesnt get worse tmrw Brrrr Ah yes now I managed to make this blog alive hehehe so i could give my link to ppl so that they can read about whats happening esp me hehee Wonder how many people visit my blog will it end up like stock market? ![]() not exactly the statistics of my blog okay time to''angkat'' a bit bout my blog well this blog was created in 18 april 2009 under a different name cant remember what name it is changed its name on 1 May 2009 again I dunno the name and on 1 april 2010, the current name still stands but post are rare so it was between july 2009 that my blog became a hit just like the song Ïce Ice Baby"in the mid 90s but it was a one hit wonder at that time now Im trying to be not really a professional blogger But just a personal blogger sharing personal views So apart from my daily life I will bring topics up also here So pls come here to see the topics that Im gonna raise ![]() yes we want ur opinions too so make use of the tagboard to comment |