Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: Goodbye 2010, hello 2011 ![]() well time flies very fast the moment when we said this on 1/1/2010 at 12midnight and now as 2010 came to a close, these words are a thing of the past and now its Hello 2011 well yeah as new year comes, I realise that I am too fast to be a year older so 2011 I will turn 19 and now I take this time to reflect on myself on 2010 1. Past and the present - And 2010 this is the biggest tumble ever for me. I could not even describe how the feeling when talked about what happened some 3-4 years back. And Im glad that I made it through these times. But still people from these times came back to haunt me. And well whatever said by them is all false, just to add the misery of the doubt. But the world is full of lies, anybody can be fooled but one day the truth is gonna hurt itself. And I still could remember of how someone tried to talk bad about me in which in fact its all false facts, even though some parts might be true. I remember how you told my mum about my "bad" things and how I ended up being ashamed in front of everyone at changi village. Seriously u know the feeling how I was humiliated in public!!! And well my mum came to tell me who did it only one month after the humiliation. 2. Of love and romance - well honestly I failed a lot when it comes to love and romance and 2010 is the worst year of love and romance.... and I remember the fateful split in 2006 and since then I became the failure in this. But insyallah in 2011 it will change course. And hopefully for the better 3. Interest - haha and well 2010 was the year I entered dikir barat arts scene. Well I love dikir barat since young but it seems to me that my interest has deepened when our dikir barat nteam won 2nd in inter poly competition. And well its like nine months that I'm in this arena but I hope that I would be able to deepen my knowledge in this as years passed, and I have high hopes for this... 4. Studies -haha well it seems that I've done pretty average in studies and certainly I don't wanna drop my grades further to lose my chance to get into a university degree. And hopefully I could happily graduate with diploma in Aerospace Electronics with a better grade and hopefully a certificate of recognition with Lufthansa Technik So well still have more to write for this but dunno when shall I put it.... haha well my reflections will continue later today when I dig out all my 2010 memories Ok ciao!!!!! and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!!!!! |