Life Is Full Of Adventure And Discovery

The Writer
Name: Mohamed Fauzan
Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces

Mind Your Language.... Hahaha

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Damai Secondary Schoolmates/Juniors

Temasek Polytechnic

Religious Class

Hit the road

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

title: So now where are we?
date: Thursday, December 2, 2010
time:9:04 PM
Hehe yeah
Now its been a few weeks since I last updated this dusty old blog
Now well my blogging mode has going down
and now hoping that my first attempt to keep this alive has returned
now a new fresh blog emerge
old style of blogging have gone downm and out
even my style of typing have gone down and out to haha
see the obvious spelling mistake
now i am busy with my 78 day internship programme with Lufthansa Techinical Training
haha must highlight

My ambition is to become an aircraft engineer thats why i chose this course
And when you are almost like in the second year of study, you would probably have thought of ur future
To work or to continue further studies
Well this could be crucial esp in this case

Ok now back to dikir barat
well introducing our proud squad of temasek poly dikir barat
well since the start of my internship (or before internship)
we have been training for this
but the better team wins
and now coming event open house!!!!!!
Thats the most special event we ever performed
yeah haha
Ok now posting more soon

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