Life Is Full Of Adventure And Discovery

The Writer
Name: Mohamed Fauzan
Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces

Mind Your Language.... Hahaha

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Damai Secondary Schoolmates/Juniors

Temasek Polytechnic

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Hit the road

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

title: Hoilidays
date: Monday, December 20, 2010
time:12:23 AM
Welcome to holidays
Yeah finally time to relax, distress
and forget all about internship
and well now we are almost entering 2011
and well new resolution
So whats ur resolution?
Hmm well diff people have different resolution
like this year well the resolution is to strengthen friendship
so for 2011
i am going on a journey of soul searching
Well all I wanted is to find out my hidden qualities
and figuring how it can be put to good use
that's my main resolution
Other resolution?
-umm be tukang karut or juara of dikir barat
-joining outside group of dikir barat
-hoping to find my soulmate (insyallah)
-meeting new friends 

Well probably these reasons are somewhat realistic
but its up to HIM to fulfil my resolution
but for now jus focus on working out on these resolution

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title: Revival
date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010
time:11:17 PM
And now im falling ill
And workshop i had to make trips to the toilet roll near the sink
to get rid of this irritating thing
Haiz... well mucus keep running out of my nose like a tap
Now its the flu season already
and wheeezzz!!!!!!!!!!
Tissue, tissue here and there
Hope it doesnt get worse tmrw

Ah yes now I managed to make this blog alive
so i could give my link to ppl so that they can read about whats happening
esp me
Wonder how many people visit my blog
will it end up like stock market?

not exactly the statistics of my blog
okay time to''angkat'' a bit bout my blog
well this blog was created in 18 april 2009 under a different name
cant remember what name it is
changed its name on 1 May 2009
again I dunno the name
and on 1 april 2010, the current name still stands
but post are rare
so it was between july 2009 that my blog became a hit
just like the song Ïce Ice Baby"in the mid 90s
but it was a one hit wonder at that time
now Im trying to be not really a professional blogger
But just a personal blogger sharing personal views
So apart from my daily life
I will bring topics up also here 
So pls come here to see the topics that Im gonna raise

yes we want ur opinions too
so make use of the tagboard to comment

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title: 2 more weeks
time:12:01 AM
Well all I can say is to say hello to year end vacation
Two weeks time and by now I have felt the bore, anguish and happiness in my internship
Now by then, we might demand a long break
And well the year end break would give me sone hope for rejuvenation
Well certainly
Meeting lecturers of diff background proved to be a test to us for some
Some follow steictly to rules, others tend to be a bit flexible
But well that is life
Meeting people both good and bad, hate em, love em, praise em
Thats what we all deserve in the end

And 2011 is around the corner
And what i wish for for 2011? hmm
first thing
-get a driving licence
-get my certificate of recognition by Lufthansa Technical Training
-be a happier person
-hoping to save as much money as possible
and lastly
-meeting someone special in life

I would say the last one is an option for me cos I had to put my ambitions and commitment first
Ambition I would say is to work in the aerospace industry
Maybe I could work in maintenance, repair and overhaul?
Or even get a degree, probably in engineering?
But insyallah if Allah permits for me to meet the one, I would be most thankful to Him
Now im 18 years old, going to 19 in March (4 months time) and yet still on a journey to discover the inner self

And well cant wait to get my licence
Class3 but the road is so bumpy
Well of course there would always be obstacle on ur way
And well need to overcome it ourselves
And hope that I will pass my test
Ok cya

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title: So now where are we?
date: Thursday, December 2, 2010
time:9:04 PM
Hehe yeah
Now its been a few weeks since I last updated this dusty old blog
Now well my blogging mode has going down
and now hoping that my first attempt to keep this alive has returned
now a new fresh blog emerge
old style of blogging have gone downm and out
even my style of typing have gone down and out to haha
see the obvious spelling mistake
now i am busy with my 78 day internship programme with Lufthansa Techinical Training
haha must highlight

My ambition is to become an aircraft engineer thats why i chose this course
And when you are almost like in the second year of study, you would probably have thought of ur future
To work or to continue further studies
Well this could be crucial esp in this case

Ok now back to dikir barat
well introducing our proud squad of temasek poly dikir barat
well since the start of my internship (or before internship)
we have been training for this
but the better team wins
and now coming event open house!!!!!!
Thats the most special event we ever performed
yeah haha
Ok now posting more soon

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