Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: Cabin Crew be seated for takeoff ![]() Ladies and gentlemen we will be arriving in Singapore shortly Remember to buckle up ur seat belts The used of lavatory is not allowed at this monment Haha yeah Flight sim X rocks And now while im blogging I have a flight ready for take off at changi airport Ok well today went to singapore shopping centre at Clemenceau Ave to purchase flight tickets to none other than Kota Bharu, Kelantan And this time it was 100% business class from flight there to back home miss flying in business class Well what can you expect from the world's best cabin crew MAlaysia Airlines Still I wanted to try SQ But only time will tell well what suprised me was that the cab that we took to SSC is somewhat familiar and it turned out that I have rode on that cab b4 As i looked at the name of the driver That saomething feling of familiarity comes to mind he told us all about some funny stories when we rode on his cab b4 haha and after many mths, we met again what a coincidence haha then in the afternoon ps3 and went to my uncle house in pasir ris well i do really pity my uncle imagine if all ur wife and children are against you this is what happ. to my uncle He decided to call me up to lepak at void deck to avoid further conflicts while my mum cooked him some bubur kacang or green bean soup well it was cooling lepak at void deck and saw many greenview sec students walking past reminds me of my sec sch days and as i saw a couple frm greenview walking side by side, well reminds me of the sweet times i had in sec sch hmmm.... wish I could relive that moment haiz well then set off to white sands to look for hard drive and as i passed by greenview sec well i saw a familiar pic it looks like my former vice principal, mr koh he left in 2006 i dunno if it is him or nt but i gotta feeling that he was my former vp in sec sch hmmmm god knows then bought the HDD meal at mac then home and saw an accident near my sec sch gruesome urrggghhh ok well life is pretty boring final words |