Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: 4 days many encounters ![]() Yo wazzup Now back in wonderful weather in singaporrah haha 4 days many things happened so let me bring you back to day 1 where I will be otw to kota bharu kelantan b4 that have lunch with erfaan, naqib, fahmi and kenneth at teh tarik we tried to ask sufyan to come down but he had eaten so ok left the 5 of us haha then what happ next totally makes me laugh I know I love cats, and I have the temptation to call the cats "Tch...Tch Tch Tch..." thats how it goes serious, put me somewhere near a cat and I will call them I seriously love cats then as usual I called it Fahmi was like "NO!!! NO!!!! PLS!!!" Haha takut kucing nmpk hahaha He was like cros leg on the chair haha kesian so my temptation vs fahmis fear of cats who win? finally i managed to stop calling it haha then still gt lots of time b4 my flight so accompanied kenneth home then rushed home for my flight to kuala lumpur arrived at airport at 1545 check in and waited while waiting, webcam with khairul haha and my parents were like laughing at him hohohhoho " Wahai bondaku, bondaku, si ikan kaloii...." alamakk cair uh beb haha then webcam with him and continue when found out that our flight is delayed haiz instead of 1815 takeoff, we took off at 1900h well i dunoo what happens, maybe the weather conditions so I took off at night and mann night flight is interesting then landed at kuala lumpur at 2005h no time for dinner, so rushed to get boarding pass to kota bharu that was the start of the rushy trip frm there, w/o breaks, we straightaway went to the departure gates waited for the flight then took off at 2145 arrived at 2235 in kota bharu first thing we did when in kota bharu, have dinner youngsters love to go there reminding me of arab street bcos of the shisha serious and by the time we finish our food it was 2345h went to the hotel and when we reached the hotel... It was exactly midnight So HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im half legal hohohhohoh and we are like first customer of the year in the hotel Grand Riverview Hotel Haha well all that I cn say is the hotel is much better than the last time I went serious and speaking of new year I miss my friends back in sg dillon, duncan, zul... many more enjoying countdown party man and here I am getting some sleep for next day ok 2nd day went to wakaf bharu market after a not so much breakfast man the things there you can hardly find in spore esp the asam snacks and my fav keropok lekor haha then head to pengkalan kubur, the place that borders with thailand but nvr go in cos of some reasons the things there you can never find in sg esp the one that looks like crystal but its actually acrylic they made the design look so much like crystal Ill show you nxt mth cos its still in the warehouse there man pengkalan kiu7bur its duty free so its cheap to get thingsthere then went to rantau panjang, the main border crossing to thailand and haha my mums looking for a cutlery you cn never find in sg the noodle tongs there was this design she wanted but in the end manage to find in rantau panjang and we had confusion bout buah delima i dunno what kind of fruit that is oh..nvm then went to kota bharu as my mums gonna shop for some headscarves and my wish is fulfiled for getting myself a black jeans yes ah!!!! night went to town again and my mums sure on a shopping spree yeah 3rd day, went to the same morning market in a village wow my mum brought home some snacks there went all the way to bachok to do the same thing haha then take a rest in the hotel afternoon, my dad's looking for a w910i haha so ex there and night went to a night market in kubang kerian and bought a cap haha cap no kick man then shopping here there went to hotel day 4 and back to sg had to send my uncle things from there and send khairul cap haha then while waiting met yanie haha the moment i tell her im meeting khai she was like OMG!!!!!!!! HAha at bedok inter she was waiting for her bf and while wiating, juz have a chat then her bf came, so went home then went home haha and when i went to fb, atiqah was like finally youre backk haha funny sia u ok time for trw |