Life Is Full Of Adventure And Discovery

The Writer
Name: Mohamed Fauzan
Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces

Mind Your Language.... Hahaha

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© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

title: Solder, Solder, Solder... Man Close Shave
date: Monday, December 28, 2009
time:11:05 PM

What a start to a term
Today Im feeling refreshed
Haha i dunno why
yest sleep at 0015
wake up at 0545
Awoken by the Liverpool alarm clock
and man it scared me out of my bed
but still put myself back to bed again
and my mums like checking on me once in a while when Im gonna get up
usually It was 6 o' clock that I get myself out of bed
but I purposely set it to 0545 cos I need some time to get my energy out of bed
so 15 mins grace for me to get some energy for that
Milo and bread for breakfast and off to sch at 7
and along the way, I wondered bout my results
Im gonna flung for suure
have prata and kopee for 2nd round of breakfast
then waited here and there till Human Factors start
Gt my paper and I just passed
Lucky Guy I am
then edevice tutorial
gt my result and I can tell you
this is the paper I TEROOKKK FLUNGGG
I repeat... I TEROKKK FLUNGGGG man
But look at the score and i gt 27/50
Another Close shave
Kau ni... Alamakkkk.....
then aft edevice... cabuttt to config my hp mini
so that i can choose my sub asap
I dun wanna end up like last yr where I applied late
and In the end gt no cds
hopefully I can get into Basics Of Nutrition
Hmmm 2.1 not much interesting CDS I suppose
I dunno why
Or is it that everything is not of my particular interests
I dunno
then lepak with the chinese guys
and at 12 edevice lecture
and now naqib is doing the infamous 999 trick on me
but now Im nt fooled by that
haha and uhmm now everything is complicated esp for edevice
we learn bout how to calculate decibels
man its so many
then lunch at the tenderbest......yum yum munch
Tze How and I ordered the same lucky plate
but the meaning of lucky came to me when my chicken is greater than his
Then back to sch where wafy need to use my laptop to do the selection
In which I cant rmbr if he did it or not
And Fahmi is trying to make a fool out of me by going to forbidden sites
on my mini
and dillon is also another big time joker
he almost set me on fire with the lighter
Rabakk ke perr
lucky my clothes never chao da
If nt you get it
and jaz tukang camera for that
muz sia jaz
then aviation legislation where dexter phang showed pretty cool pics
haha and one epic win pics
Ill post later
then lab where I never even did the mini proj
Me and wafy melalak at class
singin jiwang song
Till SHASHA said "Dah Putus Cinta Ke"
Are you heartbroken
Then aft the lab, hangout for a while with Duncan, tzehow and the rest
where we keep disturbing Jaz cos he had a bad taste
Serious bad taste
he keep looking one direction
Rabak uhh jaz
then kfc, home, soldering
and now time to zzz

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