Life Is Full Of Adventure And Discovery

The Writer
Name: Mohamed Fauzan
Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces

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Damai Secondary Schoolmates/Juniors

Temasek Polytechnic

Religious Class

Hit the road

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
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title: Salaam maal hijrah to all the muslim readers
date: Thursday, December 17, 2009
time:10:35 PM
First a perfect quote to start with

Haha if you are rich doesnt mean you are clever
Or if you are not rich doesnt mean you are not smart
It all depends on ones will to learn something
If you are willing to learn something, you gain knowledge
Dont be a laidback, waiting for pot of gold to drop from the sky
Anyway today is the last day of the Hijrah year 1430
And I hope that you learn from what happened this year
before the new Hijrah year comes (tomorrow)
Learn from the bad things you encounter
Hijrah in Arab means moving from one thing to another
Juz a bit of information, the Hijrah came about when our Prophet Muhammad decided to move to Medina from Mecca after the bad treatment he get from the Mecca people
But its juz more than that if you look it in another perspective
Its about leaving all things that god forbids
For example alcoholism
This year you drink alcohol
And when the new muslim year comes, you aim to stop drinking alcohol
This is an example of hijrah and in fact, the biggest hijrah ever in terms of leaving things that god forbids
Hmm anyway today kenna nagged by my mum for spendin too much time on computer for the past week
And then she made use of ironing clothes as an excuse, which mean she ordered me to iron the clothes
throughout the ironing session, she nagged and nagged at me
and sometimes i feel like losing my patience
I need some peace in ironing, but you know when she nags, wahh so long
She was right in front of me and nagging
Well I caN tell you when she nags, neighbours 2 doors away from us can hear
Loudspeaker pun kalah
Haiz but I cant do anything but to iron at a slower rate
For me if i were distracted, i tend to do things at a slower pace like these
Once her nag stops... theres peace.. and continue with all the tortorous ironing
Now at a faster pace
And in the end wanted to play com but I feel that the com has been the symbol of omen for me
Once I turn on my com, you cant play com for a long period of time
But I dont want that to happen, so played with my PS3
Then, my mum ordered me to go to my aunts house
And I had to bring a big bag full of my mums clothes
last yr she bought tons of clothings until she cannot even wear any of it because of the quantity that she has
Its the same clothing my mum gave to elle and shasha
so had to take a cab to my aunts house
Then have a meal at burger king downtown east
Its been a week since Im craving for one
and finally my prayers have been answered to have double swiss mushroom burger
yum yum
then went home and not long later
had to go to mosque for some prayers on the new muslim year
hope the new year will be better than this year

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