Life Is Full Of Adventure And Discovery

The Writer
Name: Mohamed Fauzan
Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces

Mind Your Language.... Hahaha

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Damai Secondary Schoolmates/Juniors

Temasek Polytechnic

Religious Class

Hit the road

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

date: Wednesday, December 2, 2009
time:9:31 AM
Ok now where was I?
Oh yeah Gary Tham
Haha he signed his name against Guan ruis name
Huhu this is what happens when you crash into a lecture and the lecturer
had to personally take attendance all of a sudden
but lucky for guan rui he came late
And it so happen that the lecturer was too lazy to go one on one to
Take the Attendance
so he juz take a quick look and pass around
Its juz revision at seetoh's
Ok then head to bus stop
wait for the rest
And then while waiting for shasha
I managed to have a chat with elle
Then as I chat, I found one topic that shocked me
3 years ago I remembered i went to kuala lumpur
And I stayed in a hotel near chow kit road
As the conversation continues, I found out from elle that Chow Kit Road
Is a HIV infested place
Then as time passes, I feel that I dun wanna go aerodynamics lec
So hangout with shasha, elle and jason
Played with my oopey dupey lappy
then at 11
lepak with xiang yu and gang at short circuit
Aft that, dfund lec
didon mod no, frequency
then lunch
Lab test
And woah its even harder than the Dfund2 last qn
And I found myself blurred
until during the part where we have to measure the diode
I had no choice
Its only 1 min
I REPEAT!!!! 1 MIN!!!!!!!
that i gt mr tangs help in doing the diode qn
Finally able to do
but i gt a discount of one mark for help
Ahhh....who cares
Then aft that jalan2
Go to pasar malam near my house
bought keropok lekor good
and had to wait till midnight to gather their ppt slides
and I almost fell asleep at 12 midnight

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