Life Is Full Of Adventure And Discovery

The Writer
Name: Mohamed Fauzan
Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces

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Damai Secondary Schoolmates/Juniors

Temasek Polytechnic

Religious Class

Hit the road

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
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title: 2 days, few stories to tell
date: Friday, December 25, 2009
time:2:49 PM
First of all: MERRY CHRISTMAS HOHOHO!!!!!!!!
my parents are now in johor and tomorrow they will also be going there
boring if you are an only child in the family
well if you gt siblings, you should be thankful cos
at least you have someone to interact and play with
and even take them out somewhere
for me...the only child in the family, well it seems that i would rather sleep
but man i hate sleeping at these times
man its prison if youre home alone
Pls someone take me out somewhere
anyway Im back with some stories
in which one of them is yesterday
I was on bus 21 double deck
somewhere near eunos, a grp of ah lians and pai kia boarded the bus
they sat at the back of the bus on the upper deck
i was on the upper deck
and as soon as when the bus continued its journey, they started blasting techno music
its usual of them to blast that
then as the bus turned to changi rd, an indian couple went down
at first I did nt notice anything as its common for such cases to go down
but they went down for a purpose
It was only after what happened then I knew what it is
I realise something amiss when the bus suddenly did not move at the next stop
And the grp continue blasting even as the bus stayed where it is
then the same indian couple went up the bus this time with a bus captain
The bus captain apprehended them in chinese
Even though I dunno chinese, I know what he is talking
The indian couple seem to be irritated by them blasting music on the bus
after he gave them a word or two, one of them started scolding cb to both bus captain and indian couple
But the bus captain is cool enough to calm them down
I dunno if the couple were from singapore or India
Cos the way they deal with this is much different than what we Singaporeans do
I dont side any of them but at least one leson learnt from here
have some respect to those around you
like in this case, blasting music
if you want to blast nobodys stopping you
but dont blast until others nearby gets irritated
and we may never know what he/she will do next
Then today
well at the mosque it was soo crowded with foreign workers who prayed at the mosque
well its norm if the public holiday falls on friday where we all had to crammed in deeper to let others have a seat
on normal fridays, the mosque is utilised by local people like us and a minority of foreign workers
since its a holiday, workers flock here
because there was a workers dorm not far from the mosque
I had to seat near a grp of pri sch kids (cos there are lots of spaces due to its size)
And i was in the classroom where it was used for prayers during the public holidays to solve overcrowding problems
And some people like sat in front of another people juz to find a place to sit
and when the prayer is about to start, some dont have a comfortable place to pray
cos people are like quickly taking up space until the remaining in the room who do not have the comfortable space had to stand in between two person
and I can feel that there is someones head on my feet when I want to sujud
ok here is two stories over 2 dyas
and if there is any story, Ill post here

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