Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: ![]() Huyooo I love katy perry Wahh... Like all her song esp hot and cold Hmm anyway today lots of things did not turn up well 1st breakfast at KFC KFC still not open at 0720h so treat myself to nearby mac at tampines inter Where I was greeted by david guetta song sexy chick Wow what a good start to my day Huhu keep my body werkin listening to it Haha Lucky one cup of coffee is enough to keep me refreshed throughout the day Haha Aerodynamics Lesson Fun Man huhu Love aerodynamics At least its much better than FASC Huhu And umm, after aerodynamics, accompanied shasha to configure her lappy And at the same time buy stapler to staple my assignment Aft that, the girls tk gi lec so I left them alone in bistro So head to edevice lec Ok then have a good chat with zul Haha Aft lec, with xiang yu and the rest at design Now i noe how to play chor dai di Hell yeah Ok Then, at ard 1pm, rushed to short circuit to meet with wafy, izzat and the gang Ada hajat jadi sampaikan hajat mak aku kt my classmate sume yg Islam And then, ruched to business sch to submit my assignment Aft that, went to bistro to meet the girls Dh sampaikan hajat mak aku kat dorang then alhf tutorial There is laughter on one side of the room \And Tze How all of a sudden burst out with laughter All bcos of wen xin Huhu Faizal had to bite his wallet to ensure his infamous laughter Did not burst out Huhu And after lesson ended Faizal, along with tze how, laughed like hell outside the room And when they were about to go for math class We waved goodbye to wen xin Huhu And oh my Mr Tang's askin me for the link Huhuhuh ok doing it nw Haha and umm Trw Hmm trw TRY My luck at kfc for breakfast |