Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: ![]() Huhu I wanted the Hp mini damn badly Seriously i wanna wanna wanna have a hp mini Serious anyway today haha bit relaxed day for me haha morning woke up at 0605 breakfast then ciao at sch send my fleet of aircraft to its respective destination in Airline manager haha check again in a few hrs time Then go to buz stop as usual haha okay headed to class for psps did a quiz tofind out our way of learning Some loves to listen, some loves to be more hands on Diff ppl gt diff way For me I prefer hands on Haha okay then next is dfund 2 lecture okay learn bout what is the counting sequence haha fun though then lepak at shortccircuit with wafy, faizal, farid, mus, muthu, tze how and dennis played blackjack at short circuit then switch to chor dai di huhu i still dun get hw to play pfft elle joined in later cos shasha left sch oredi and lepak till 1.50 to go for seetoh class haha and umm tutorial was relaxed I can still play airport madness in his class huhu fb, akon, david guetta, everything, you name it i do it and the tutorial qn is too complicated that i had to delay my work to home And Some guyz just cabut 20 mins b4 class ends huhu serious thats how our class is everyday do on9 tutorial qns and left the work halfway haiz then go jalan2 alone man if only i have a bicycle, I can explore to as far as changi village Serious Huhu Ohh boring aerodynamics is trw and havent revise anything |