Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: ![]() Yahooo My upside down world like this upside down rocket has finally came to a close YAHOO!!!!!!! CHAHI KOI MUJHE JUNGLEE KA HAI!!!!!!! HAHA IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW YOU SAY HOORAY, HOORAY! If You are sad and you know put on a smile, please smile! If you are hopeless and you know and you really want to show If you are hopeless and you know you try again, I will Well if you think that you cannot do well for all 4 subjects You have to try again and buck up on your next semester Because next semester, no more CKT, Dfund, Emath 1 and Emath 2 for some plus FASC A whole new subject So let us start from here if you think you Are gone Try harder Push further And one day, you know YOU, yes YOU will succeed Haha Anyway, today when I woke up My parents are off to JB I was left at home to do some chores But my time on the cyberspace keeps me off the chore Until my parents came back from JB at 12pm I still havent sweep the floor and change the bedsheet Haiz Kena scolded in the end Had to complete by 1pm Sweep floor, change the bedsheets Aft prayers at 1+, set off to TP for my dfund exam Reached school, saw jason and shasha Sat there until 2.15 for my dfund exam Look at qn, There is one qn bout the last part That one I gong gong oredi Blur Sotong But I tell myself Dun think too much, let your mind be blank "You May Begin" Ok, first part chicken Section B a bit tedious here and there KMap part I cannot even simplify And Annamalai keep turnin around to look at my ans He turned round like how many times oredi Wah irritating sia I knew frm his face he dunno hw to do But I wouldn't even help him a single bit in this case The Last qn, I was able to draw the circuit But the frequency calculation, I am wrong Lmao Aft exam, walk all the way to afghanistan wif sufyan and naqib But we give up halfway cos 8 and 17 is comin its way I think its after telecom that we give up Naqib will be takin bus no 17 I and Sufyan will be takin bus no 8 So what to Do RUN FOR THE BUS!!!!!!!!!! Afghanistan, buy naan for myself Then, head home Prayers at mosque and lepak at mac Home and I wont be sleeping cos Im watching the champ league match Hope I wont doze off like te cat on the laptop Haha K nitez |