Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
title: Today Making The Headlines
![]() I scored 16/20 for Emath 2 quiz ![]() Scored 40/50 for my ckt Woohooo I cannot believe it CKT and E Math 2 my fav subject Yahoo Anyway, today, woke up at 0545h Went out at ard 7 1st lesson CKT gt my result Wah Fuzz, dun be so complacent This one test onli Exam belum lagi tauuu..... Learn bout power dissipation true power=(isquare)Zr Arrghhh Mix up Aku tk tahu Must look back at ckt books Today my lucky day As I step into CKT class found a dollar coin So wat to do? Amik ajelah Next CKT lab Dillon and solihin all were absent for lecture Chat with vikesh during lecture via MSN I was sitting nt far frm him Still, use msn Haha Magic of technology Finish the whole syllabus FASC next nvr pay attn I only paid half the attention to Dr Ven Sigma F cos theta... So where is the other half? reading peoples blogs Hey I discovered blogs of frens frm my religious class Haha Juz wanna say hello to them Read..Read..Read Almost fell asleep Krrroohhhhh...... Aft FASC Lec, lunch with jason, edward and alfred At afghanistan area there Wah thanks to them i discovered the delicious nasi padang stall Quite nice If u dunno where it is, its somewhere near botak jones Have a fun chat there Ahhh Im late 1.55 oredi im still at there Lucky gt bus no 8, almost left without me in time for math 2 YAHOO Pass my math test 16/20 Revise on the supp. exam 08/09 paper Wah damn hard sia Headache Lesson ended at 1515h So head off to tampines mart Juz to jalan jalan Aft that, took a rest at void deck Met jack on the bus with his pretty gf And also met hasif, my sec sch fren, with a girl friend also at bedok res mac Have a gd chat Haiz.. When I am gonna get one? Sabar je Fauzan The best has yet to come Home |