Date Of Birth: 13 March 1992
Previous Schools: Damai Primary School(1999-2004)
Damai Secondary School(2005-2008)
Temasek Polytrechnic Diploma In Aerospace Electronics(2009-2012)
Current Status: Transport Operator at Singapore Armed Forces
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title: Ok People
Fuzzy X here Today, I woke up, alone My mum in hospital, My dad working at night Had to handle laundry very early in the morning Breakfast only biscuits and plain water Went out of hse at 7 Go to prata shop to have a proper breakfast Aft that, lepak at void deck Waited for the rest at bus stop went up for Dfund Lab Did on Demultiplexer First had trouble with theory But see xian de's ans, able to understand what it is Thx Frm there, set up the circuit Haha Worked I still cant get the speaker part Where people use it to Make funny sounds I tried on mine but it failed to work Haiz Help!I need somebody Help!No just anybody Help! still dunno And again, DJ ANNAA in the house SPEAKERS OUT LOUD Lolz Mr Tang wanted me, wafy and elle to be cyber ambassadors Ok Haha gd Ok here is the part during lab where i became ashamed As I was patching up my circuit I heard my name being called It turned out Duncan Told mr Tang about me updating my blog everyday Ok thats one thing Dunno hw come it reached that point Then, elle used the Labcom Go to my blog MALU SIAKKKKK!!!!!!! First thing that appeared, My Photo Followed by Dangdut song Yang Penting Happy..... Malu WTH!!!!! I closed the browser when it was my turn to do online survey Done CKT lec next Annamalai played checkers with Jaz And in the end Jaz Won Haha Lec only do lecture assignment I never do it Saw them playing chess And see Dennis with his PSP Lolz Aft CKT lec, lunch at mac with Sufyan, Naqib, Danial and Kamal Aft lunch, I suggested to them to have prayers at alkaff So went to alkaff for prayers Aft prayers, back to tp for Glider workshop The hardest part is mixing the glue Had to continue stirring to prevent it from hardening Stir, stir, stir Had a try on the control simulator on the com Spent the whole time there until it was time to fly the glider First try Dunno how my gliderhit one guy I was aiming to the front It suddenly turned to where the guy is standing Haha had fun throwing And the best part Tze Hows glider gt stuck in a tree haha Causing chaos In the end, the glider became 2 pieced Due to numerous colllisions Haha Went home Trw, visit my mum in hospital Hope she recovers fast |
title: Today Is the bad day for me
I was sacked from the job as a secret agent Haiz Sacked Sacked Sacked The reason? Slacking Sry Im quite busy with some important stuffs No Time for that Bcos Of that, have to change my layout Change My Nickname to fuzzy X Haiz What Have happened? Now everyting have changed Haiz Anyway, my gallery photoblog is out just click on my photoblog link K? Bye |
title: Okay
Today, woke up at 0540h Mum is in hospital Sad Saw my dad sleeping in the living room Pity him for coming home at 1am to seek to my mum I was still sleeping at 1am But was accidentally awoken by noises outside Breakfast, 2 biscuits and a milo Pity Went out at ard 7 Went to my source of inspiration, void deck To complete dfund RQ Haha Aft that, have breakfast cum lunch at mac Sausage mcmuffin with hashes and coffee Ahhhh Enough to last till late Went back for Dfund lesson Quiz Annamalai kept talkin all the way durin the quiz Quiz also must talk I almost wanted to help him But the look on the tutor's face wont allow me too NvM continue Quite easy until.... JK flip flops I thought its d flip flops BASKET ARRRGGGGHHHH MAMPOSSSSSSSS Aft dfund, break at mensa Called my mum to see she was alright Ok Relieved to hear that Surf net at mensa Latefor Dfund lec As I entered LT33 There was a strange silence What happened? Anyway learned how to calculate hexadecimal, how to add them, subtract them ok fun Lunch as usual Effcom Gt my results A Gd Haha Next CKT lab Late again Rock concert at the back Wafy played rock songs at the back of lab Haha Cannot complete the experiment cos the result dont tally Haiz Aft ckt, went home Called my mum As i was on the conversation with my mum, tears almost rolled down my eyes I wanted to see her Oh, when is it?? |
title: Good day
Sory for the late report TOday, when I woke up at 0540h Mu mum was nt at home Dad told me she was in hospital Ohhhh, I hope SHe was alright She had high fever for the past few days Haiz I hope everyone pray for her recovery Anyway yesterday Woke up at 0540h Went out, study CKT at void deck In Tampines Peaceful After that CKT lesson The Quiz Hard Gt the superposition theorem Ummm, seems simple But haiz, scared of making the wrong step Haha Aft the quiz, CKT lecture Learn bout more on circuits What happens next is sure making me angry SOURMATH!!!!!!!! Fahmi made my com "hang" basket Wa piang eh Nxt FASC Complete optics chapter Disturb Fahmi during FASC Haha No APEL, so went to lib to defer my NS on9 Aft that, thinkin of going to mac But when I saw Sufyan, Naqib, Danial and Kamal at prata shop Lunch there Aft lunch, emath 2 lesson Trouble Caught for playing with laptop in class with zack ALAMAK!!!!! Lucky nvr kena confiscated Aft maths lesson home I was awoken at 1am by sound of people talkin The next thing I knew the next morning, my mum is in hospital Sob It all happened in a flash |
title: Haveyou heard of Matt Harding?
The man who danced round the world? Danced in frond of various famous Landmarks? His dance is funny I say Wah go dance round the world just for a 5min video clip He have made a stopover in Singapore And do the silly dance in front of Merlion Went round the world just to record him dancing Haha When you have a dream, make it a reality And this is what it shows Go to youtube to see his dance round the world Toodles |
title: Hola amigo
Agent 303 just have a good siesta Anyway today woke up at 0515h Breakfast as usual Went to school Arrive at 0730h Before emath2 lecture start Found out my Dfund labsheet and FASC tutorial gone ALAMAK??? What have happened Lucky guan rui had extra copy ARRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! cannot do FASC Hardn man Know the formula But concept cannot apply Apayday E Maths LEcture Learn bout Area under the curve simple And next week no lecture Wooohoooooo Hehe gt sumthin in mind..... Anyway, the moment when I saw xian de bringing in sausage mcmuffin My stomach start rumbling So much that I could even hear it Haha Rumble!!!!!!!!!!!! The lecture was so funny People chattin here and dere And my friend frm sec sch Jie Hao made a fool out of the lecturer By answering what she ask with a sombre "yes" in sync together with his friends Imagine saying yes as a whole group of you in the lecture hall WAKAKAAAKAKAKAKA Aft emath 2 lec Went to mcdonalds for lunch To entertain my sausage mcmuffin blues Went to hangout at Design Ah FASC Today its mr Tam's lecture Learn about optics And the most Ironic thing is The lecture is so quiet Haha Imagine if the rest of lecture is like this Ahhhh, peaceful Aft FASC lec, lunch break 2h Boring Guys play poker Me still struggling with FASC alamak 2h struggling with that URRRGGGGGHHHHHH Ideal gas law Change in internal energy=Heat energy-Work done PV=nRT Banyak OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok Dfund Learn how to convert from binary to octal and decimal to hexadecimal Poor efren hat to handle a noisy lecture grp like us And scram Fahmi and Gary who wanted to use my com to go p--- sites FASC tutorial next Well Mr tam have responded well with the surveys by us He began to show his crackiness Always had his eyes on tze how cos his FASC gd And even targeted the girls Dunno why There was this one part that I cannot see what he is writing So I had to stand up to have a closer look And what his response For the sake of me, he shall write BIGGER I repeat BIGGER Indeed he magnified it like 10x bigger than what he wrote before But the ink is the prob NVM as long as I can see what he is writing And there was this one part bout SHC Specific Heat Capacity Wafy interrupted Where is D Why D If SHC is spadehearts clubs, where is diamonds? He said that we al are gamblers Lmao He was so DRAMATIC That I had to laugh loud Tze How already cannot tahan And the part on STEAM U noe what is STEAM I also cannot stand it until I had to laugh FUNNY FASC lesson Anyway the quiz was a total gruesome Last qn nvr do Aft FASC Makan then home Arrgggh Tomorrow Must defer my national servise If not, consequences is heavier |
title: Okay people You all know that in this world
Life is full of ups and downs Problems keep coming in once in a whine You might not ran away from these problems But if you are mentally prepared to solve it Im sure it wont haunt you for long What if you have these problems? Ok set aside a time to solve this prob Set another time for you to have some fun What important is you are happy Once you are happy, you will find that this problems are easy to handle try to make urself happy Like an Indonesian dangdut song "Yang Penting Happy" By Jamal Mirdad So start to be happy by a smile on ur face :) listen to this song everything will make you feel happy |
title: Good day to u all
Agent 303 is up and okay I still had an MC today but still I came to poly Want to have a cup of coffee once I reached poly at 1045h Cup of coffee at prata shop But rain prevented me frm doin so So sit at void deck do ckt and study FASC Source of inspiration that was Void deck, source of inspiration for me Haha Waited for dillon,solihin and ian Went to bookshop cos they need to buy portfolio Went to CKT Lec learn bout calculating impedance in a parallel circuit haha fun After Lecture, called elle, thinkin she was in sch But turned out she was nt in sch Lonely, Im so lonely I had nobody On my own Haiz, dunno who look to Surf net at concourse Surf nt for one hour Went to wrtoral Did on product testiing Annamalai haven done the part he suppose to do Haiz Headache Aft wrtoral, hangout with wafy and gang went home at 5 after lepak with them\ Saw them play tai ti,checkers bla bla bla Home Arrrgggh no food at home So eat maggi loh |
title: Harloe
I should have posted a post last fri But tiredness became the reason for not posting Seriously, freakin damn tired This few days see an unfortunate chain of events Last Fri, dfund lab I was unable to complete my task Boo Hoo How am I going to survive for the next lab test? Faizal also were unable to do Boo Hoo Hoo Annamalai dissappeared to dunnowhere all of asudden The wire? OMG Next CKT Lec Found out Badminton was cancelled because Danial, Erfaan and Sufyan were absent on that day Haiz, when can we play again? Miss badminton so much.... Aft CKT, lunch at bistro with elle and shasha Aft lunch, went to prata shop to look for Duncan, Dillon and Solihin Have a gd chat there Then go to mosque After mosque went home for a while Then merayap around Tampines Merayap until nowhere After merayap, went home Fast forward to next day Woke up, having a fever all of a sudden No running nose, no sore throat, no cough, all of a sudden fever Woke up at 4 to eat medicine Okay by the time i woke up But soon the pain came back Went to tuition with a weak body But I was able to concentrate My body felt painful. Arrrgggghhhhhhh...... Fever have its own side effects My parents called to go to Joo Chiat Complex To measure my Hari Raya Costume Its at BEWA My neighbour works there so with a bit of help, help to measure me Went back again, with pain still conquering me Aft a short while, went to expo to watch veteran artiste singin Feel pain due to fever I just feel like vomiting on the spot at that point of time haiz Body temp is hot Maybe ard 39 degree atthat point of time Dinner at kembangan then home Sleep at 7pm because of fever woke up at 8am the next day Went to doctor to cure my fever Got one day MC for trw Shoul I go or shouldn't I? Then stuck at com for the next 8 hrs The longest ive been so far |
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title: Void decks are a source of inspiration
Agent 303 reporting Ok today, woke up at 0540h Went out at 0630h Instead of takin bus no 8 I took 15 to tp area I had to walk a distance to the bus stop Wait for the bus for 20 min 15 arrived once arrived, I retreated to void deck deep in the estate Just to have a peace of mind Look at people walking past EH, WHAT LOOK LOOK?NT HAPY AR? haiz did my dfund at void deck Void decks are sources of inspiration for me Any problems, go to void deck Think of how to solve it Along the way, I discovered that Dangdut music keeps me alive Im not joking Serious Dangdut is an Indonesian music with elements from India, Arab, Jamaica and many more My favourite Dangdut Singer? Iwan, Amelina, Mas Idayu and Jamal Mirdad Goyang Lagi Yukkk..... Dangdut songs Are good for my jogging It gives me a boost Anyway after one hour of inspiration, went to tp bus stop Wait for wafy and the boys Cehhh, ada band name nampak First Dfund Learn bout clocks Haha, fun Juz need to shift the inputs and output Alison keep throwing paper at samuel Haha PAPER WARS!!!!! Aft dfund, break Play bridge 2 hours at design canteen Shasha called Wnt to use laptop So go to lt33 next is Dfund lecture Learn bout serial inputs and serial outputs(SISO) Fun Break Then an accident occured I wanted to use that power source to charge my laptop But it turned out The sole power source at short circuit is faulty So what to do? I punched the socket, juz to ensure it was plugged in properly But accidentally, I damaged the socket by creating a crack MAMPOSS!!!!!!!! Shocked..... Elle and shasha had food trouble One feel like vomiting The other feel like vomiting later in the day The stall....... Haiz EFFCOM test ok the quiz is allright can do Later found out that the U902 malay guys had badminton game trw At first I reluctantly wanted to go But still i keep noted of it Then CKT lab Had prob setting up AC circuit AC/DC Cos im TNT, The dynamite...TNT Oh what a fight Thanks to farid, guan rui and the lab assistant, i managed to complete the experiment I was the last person to let the lecturer sign Haiz The rest busy going home I still setting up circuit Apa dah jadi..... haha Next discussion bout chalet I cannot go, cos my parents wont allow me too haiz Then hang out with annamalai, jazli and black Haha Cigarette broke into two Annamalai broke jaz's cigarette Lucky they managed to patch the cigars Haha Hang out, tok wif them Went home with annamalai Took 15 He went back to his home in katong while I alight in bedok res there the rest is a yummy hour |
title: Okay
As you all know Stories have been circulating around about a women that sell keropok Well even the malay guys in our lecture also know Actually these stories have appeared long time ago First I heard it during a ghost story session in RIA 89.7 at 12 midnight Before I stepped into poly It seems that even those frm my sec sch also noe bout it So i advise young people like you to be careful of the surroundings Be aware of those around you For girls, dun come home too late at night Even i also scared of what is goin on My advice is Dun think too much bout it, and dont take this lightly Thats all |
title: Hi
Agent 303 reporting Today is the most confusing day for me Especially E Math 2 I still dunno hw to do partial intergration Esp inverse trigonometry Im still stuck there SOS, I need a fire..... SOS, I need a shelter Alamak, you think you Kofi Kingston Need shelter and fire to fight You dunno emath2 topic, still want to sing kofi kingston theme siong? Lolz, whats the link??? Anyway, woke up at 0540h Aft prayers and breakfast, Went out Its raining heavily Cannot see solar eclipse Most prob My mother ask me to bring a big umbrella In which I could still use a smaller umbrella in my bag My mum persisted I dun wan, but she told me If the umbrella gone, dun ever come into the hse WTH??? Yeah, I lost such umbrellas many times I dun feel comfortable in that umbrella Leceh, u noe? Had to carry around Imagine if you carry laptop on your right hand and umbrella on ur left hand And then switch places Leceh u noe LECEH lah mak???? And u noe wat It is so inconvenient, esp if u r havin lunch Mana nk Taruk? Then after you finish lunch, forgot all about it Leave it there I lost that umbrella this yr during the test Haiz I hate carrying around that umbrella like charlie chaplin Nuisance u noe Anyway took 22 to tp area Still gt more time, so have breakfast at mac Sausage mcmuffin with hash and coffee Spend at least one hour at mac Surfing net Watch soccer videos Aft that head to tp bus stop Wait for the guys Saw dillon So sit down, wait, wait, wait 0855, wait,wait,wait 0900, wait, wait, wait Jaz come Still gt time to smoke Its after faris come then I set off with wafy CKT next Understand bout impedance Fun Next Annamalai found himself in trouble with teacher Phone confiscated Haiz, annaa, annaa First dfund lab, now ckt What happened Learn more bout VDR in AC circuit in CKT lec ACDC Cos im TNT, the dynamite....... BOOM!!!!!!!!! Merepek Anyway, sat in l3c with wafy, faizal, n farid Long time tk sit with them Haha Next, FASC Dr ven mentioned about the M2 CAAS paper $17 I want to take the CAAS paper 10 years validity Mus get the cert If nt,there goes my aerospace career Apel next Have a mischevous gd time Use the old trick of blocking lifts Dustbin Anyway fast forward to APEl OMG MY PORTFOLIO THIS FRI LAST DATE HAVENT BUY YET!!! Haiz Anyway apel lesson was too short because of the portfolio stuffs Since nobody have gotten the portfolio, nuthin to discuss bout Left APEL Aft that, lunch with the U902 guys Saw my adopted grandmother there Its so romantic to see old people like them eating in one plate WOW!!! Thats how you keep your love strong Remember.... Sat around the table Danial became part time worker to take orders Sadly no commission We ate, joke around Gary and gang came to prata paradise after we almost finish our meal Askin me a qn Which one is better, U901 or U902? Seriously speaking, both are good because of various reason U901 got interesting friends like Annamalai, Duncan, Wafy, the girls, Seriously speaking U902 have nice people like dillon, fahmi, erfaan, sufyan juz to name a few Head back for emath2 tutorial Thats where i became blur huh? Huh? Esp integration by parts I still dunno I look at the china people in my class Wah, their IQ much higher than any of us Able tto solve hard qn China Power!!! Aft emath2 suppose to meet wafy at swimming complex But called, no ans So head to TM GO to singtel shop Admiring Nokia N97 and iPhone 3Gs Aft 30 mins htere Home Labels: 2245h, Agent 303 signing off |
title: If i were reminded of this date, 21 July 3 years ago
Many wonderful memories would come flashing through my brain.. All the romance started to fill the air Even roses started to bloom But one month later, its a total different story There is no reason for the end of the romance Even until now I couldn't figure it out why it all happened this way I tried to find the answer, but all that I get was 'I just want to remain single' Since that day, we never even utter a word to each other Until recently, while on MSN When I tried to keep in touch with my ex schoolmate That was when i uttered the first word to her since many years ago Anyway, past memories are to be taken as an experience So that these things will not repeat itself once again I have learnt a lesson from it And I promise I will do better Anyway, I will continue over what happened last night I cant sleep soundly I told the truth, but justice seems to be on the left side rather than on the right side As a result, I was willowed by clothes hanger From there, I think of what i done wrong I told the truth But these things seems to be bugging me all night My mum still don't believe me Haiz My privileges almost taken out Anyway, yest im still awake at 12 Blogging for one hour, thinking of what to write bout monday With that feeling of anger, I blog all about it Sleep at 1am Wake up at 5am I can tell you that the effects of yest leaves a long impact on today I almost fell asleep when bathing Even on the bus I almost overshot I took 22 to tp area there Cos I took first bus out And 22 happens to be the perfect bus out of my area I staggered along the void decks to tp from the east view area there Sleepy indeed Shasha asked me to wake her up at 7, so called her in a sleepy mood Set up my laptop Go to internet Surf until 8am for emaths lec Learn bout partial fractions Fun Haha Partial fraction Chicken, Kacang, whatever you say it Sleep during 10 min break But it is still not enough Did nt pay much attn to what tessa is teaching Cos Im still sleepy aft that break with math 2 guyz Was there for about 15 min Until wafy called I quickly rushed to short circuit to lepak with them They play poker with real money ]While I play poker online With the help of wafy and faizal, I won bits of money Haha Won lots of moneyfor the day Went to FASC Learn bout temp Lunch with fahmi, erfaan, Ian and the rest of U902 Lunch at prata house Aft lunch, back to engine block The guys went for emath 1 lec I sat at the concourse surfin the net Soon, elle, shasha and dillon Came They skipped lec Went to lib Did my fASC there Cabot to dfund aft a few hours there Learn bout clocks UPCOUNT and DOWNCOUNT Fun I tried to fight my sleep But it seems that the body conquers my emotions The body is telling me to have enough rest Haiz Dragged on until FASC tutorial in which I FELL ASLEEP!!!! Thanks to guan rui, I woke up Mr Tam was like looking at me.... Haiz Went home..... I hope tomorrow is a refreshing day for me After I fight my sleep blues Hope tomorrow is much better than today Sleep now @ 2306h |
title: Monday ended up like a nightmare
Well I will tell you how later in the story Mon went out of hse at 0920h Breakfast near my old school PRATA KOSONG 2 man Aft prata kosong 2 KOPI SI Enjoy Aft breakfast, took 21 to tpjc area to start jogging Jog all the way back to tp frm there Pass by dunman sec and sunplaza park Jog all the way to bus stop area Saw ian, solihin and wafy Told them what I did Wafy said that if I do this everyday, I train my stamina Gd for 2.4km Lollz He said that napfa test is nxt mth Most prob during fasting month Anyway, waited for jazli and tze how Went to LT together CKT lecture Learn more bout inductors in AC circuit Fun As I sat in the lecture Saw much diff Sufyan came late Elle, Shasha and dillon did not attend lecture Duncan also dissappeared But it turned out later that I found out Duncan was sick Aft ckt lecture Set off to hangout with emath2 guys Feeling concerned bout the girls I msg elle and shasha Elle replied that she was sick But then it was the cat that was let out of the bag I received a msg frm the guy who made arrangement for us For the flight simulator It was a last minute one Today must go Oh @$)&($(%%€~} Quickly called elle Ask bout the thing She told me she was at short circuit Elle, elle Apa dah jadi......,,. Verified the matter with them Quickly called hq, I mean my mum Told her bout tonite Ok Settled Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poker game I played online poker wiith other players So rushed back to try to get more winnigs Thanks to zack, I won a thousand dollars Haha Ayer radha nxt Annamalai absent Anw physical description is with him Jus slack around Wafy use my laptop to watch a funny vid Aft wrtorsl home for dinner Went to tampines mrt to wait for shasha Reached there ard 1730h Shasha arrived at 1755h Well this was the part where I or tze how could have blamed for Tze how came out of home at 6+ At the same time he came out of hse We were ready at the platform Angry betul Had to call elle numerous times To see whether he arrived Then elle asked me to babysit shasha Naughty elle ni, lol From 1800-1830 20 trains passed by But still tze how have nt arrived At about 1840 We managed to get on the train We almost had our cards retained Cos we stayed at the platform longer Took train to city hall Head to singapore flyer For the flight experience Nice Flying on a Boeing 737 aircraft Wow Unbelievable I was a bit nervous in handling the instruments Until I almost broke the instrument Haha My dream is to fly A380 or any latest model plane in 10 yrs time Boeing is a bit simpler But airbus is much tougher than Boeing 737 Nice experience Aft the flight experience Went for a meal at KfC At marina square Went home on train Reach hq, I mean home First thing I reach home is kena capital punishment For breaking agent's rule Agent rule no 5 stated that any agent must ans Every call given by hq But my mobile battery went flat Then confusion occur Then kena beaten by hanger By Vice head of HQ Serious, I'm not jokin Beaten I told hq the truth she don't wanna listen Beaten again Will I still get that privilege of coming back late? Not only that, my job is on the line Labels: Agent 303 signing off, hope to come back late at night again |
title: Hello people
The day started sombre my parents are not at home Breakfast outside house Breakfast at Hainan Kaya Toast in Malay Village The order was too much that the man forgot bout my orders 4 bread and kopi haiz lucky i reminded him Apayday(slamming my head with my hand) then, lepak at singpost Saw many indonesians and banglas Sat at one spot, waiting for time to pass by As I was sitting I heard someone approaching I quickly turned back Saw a bangla approaching me i gave that serious look at him He quickly turned away I was also scared at that point of time So what I do? I CABUT LAH!!!!!!!!!! Waste my time at the new Geylang market Wow, nice Aft that, went to religious class Well religious class we never learn anything Juz grp work We still nt sure what to do Haha Slack 2 weeks later must present On a topic haiz Nxt week i dun feel like coming Would you want to come for a career talk? Who would... The career talk wasnt located at my sch It was located at Darul Mawa, somewhere near TP Haiz Aft that, went to Airport to buy tickets to Kota Bharu I managed to get on the 11+flight to Kuala lumpur On Air Asia On 8 Aug Transit at Kuala lumpur To Kota Bharu at 1500h Haha All set for an exciting journey to kelantan The Land of Dikir Barat Will be back in Singapore on 10 Aug On flight MH603 from Kuala lumpur To commemorate my imminent departure to Kelantan Here is a dikir barat song |
title: ![]() Calling agent 619 over Booyaka Booyaka 619 over Sorry, wrong signal over Today, agent 303 is on a long mission Today, agent 303 need to settle sumthin in johor First went to have breakfast at Kotaraya Then Took taxi to Senai Airport I can tell that the taxi driver is trying to set a price of his own Well these people wanted easy money First ask us where do we stay i lied by saying at kempas(a place in jb) wah, these people think they smart uh? If we say Singapore, we sure are gonna be charged a one and a quarter of the initial amt Took taxi to JB airport in Senai Bought a return ticket to singapore from Kota Bharu at the airport Take a malaysian airline flight back Of course must transit at kuala Lumpur from Kota Bharu No direct flights yet The reason we did not buy the go ticket to kota bharu Is because We were thinkin of boarding a flight from singapore And furthermore the malaysian airline flight to Kota Bharu, including transit at Kuala lumpur Does not meet the timing for 8 august Maybe the flights at selected timings are full I will be leaving to Kota Bharu on 8 ausust So how do we get to Kota Bharu frm Singapore? Well trw Im going To changi airport to buy Air Asia ticket to kota baru Transit at Kuala Lumpur lCCT The timings of Air asia fits our schedule And more flights to kuala lumpur are available So no worries Ill be back on 10 of August Aft that, went to giant hypermarket Buy things Went home LATEST NEWS AT TIME OF POST!!!!! Singapore confirms first H1N1 related death Condolences to the victim Anyway sorry ah erfaan For posting her pics on my blog Labels: Agent 303 signing off at 2259h |
title: Calling all netizens
todae is another long day for me And guess what? Today is the day I was able to go home at night haha Been waiting for that time to come How I wish this happens once a week or once a fortnight Todae Woke up at 0530h Went out at 0625h aft breakfast and prayers Jog all the way to simei from St hilda side there Went back aft 1h jog frm 0650h But this jog is gonna be a very short one So still gt more time Have a cup of cappucino at Mac Went back to tp Saw solihin and Ian when I arrived in TP bus stop Annamalai come soon after Waiting for the rest to come went to dfund lab at 0910h The latest to come for lesson Haha slack ah Agent 303 Dfund Lab next Setting up the circuit is enough to give me a hell of a headache But its all perseverance that counts Dfund lab is the most complicated to set up You insert the wrong pin to the wrong input There goes the experiment Now I know how calculators work using dfund techniques My next door neighbour, Annamalai still stuck at the first part of experiment So in the end, he had to stay back at 1400h To do the experiment Again, the lab has turned to a clubhouse All thanks to him But I was partly to blame Cos I have the necessary apparatus to turn it into a clubhouse LET'S CLUBBING BABY!!!!DJ ANNAAA IN THE HOUSE!!!!! Mcm paham je Dfund lab is fun when it comes to challenging stuffs like these Haha I want more challenges Anyway, next is ckT lec Learn bout the polar graphs Formulas Wow Aft CKT, planned to watch Harry Potter The plan came up yesterday So initially, Fahmi, naqib, Danial and Sufyan agreed to go Fahmi had to meet his friend, so we ask him to wait at ehub But we did not know that he wanted to bring his frens So, Danial, Naqib, Sufyan and I took 15 to pasir ris Elle also boarded the same bus as us aft arriving at pasir ris, walk to ehub Look at showtime Gt 2.35 and 3.35 Found out Fahmi is bringing his frens along Sufyan was a little angry Haiz Then, danial wanted to play soccer last minute So need to look for his phonebook at home Initial plan, to purchase tickets first, then But because of all this, almost cancelled So made a decision Go to mosque Later can sort it out Pray at istighfar Wah more crowded than alkaff Met fahmi at the mosque Nvr talked anything bout it Danial had soccer game cancelled Because his friend is not feeling well We were liker YES!!!!! all the way Jahat eh kita org So head to ehub to purchase tickets Found out 3.35 and 2.35 show sold out Left 4.40 show So bought the 4.40 show Meanwhile, a game of pool with fahmi they all Nice Aft lunch, then head to cinemas Found out that we were not in the same hall as fahmi We were in hall 6 They were in hall 5 Kay Love the sound system In the cinema The movie is a waste of time You know why? Some parts to the story are missing Harry Potter did not make an impact on the movie Main Character is Lucius Malfoy And I still dont get the Love Potion part But the nicest part is The love scenes, kissing scenes Ohhhh my This movie even left some to tears Esp after dumbledore died The person sitting behind me sobbed as if she lost her loved ones I was like ??? Give me a puzzled look Thats how I react After the movie, we were all complaining This movie is fun for those who dont read harry potter books But for those who read The puzzle is not pieced up properly Then went home Now here is my National Day plan Im going to Kota Bharu, Kelantan on national day Missing kelantan lotz |
title: Calling all netzens over...
Message distorted, Please repeat the message over Calling all netizens over... Message received over okay people Today is a long tiring day.. You know why? Kay Today, woke up at 0515h Bathe, breakfast and prayers, off at 0620h Reached tampines, jog all the way to pasir ris from tampines interchange Haha You think its crazy but Its reality for me Jog along Tampines st 41, ave 9, cross the bridge to block 120+ pasir ris Jog all the way to Pasir Ris Town park After that, jog back to tampines using the same route Distance from tampiunes Inter to pasir ris town park is about 4.5km Tired, so took bus 8 to tp at tampines ave 7 Saw solihin at bus no 8 Reached TP, saw alina Alone Lepak till 0910h, waiting for karen Dfund lesson next, Learn bout Flip-flops, NGT and PGT Haha Fun to learn Dfund Aft dfund lesson, break at mensa with emath 2 guyz Zack played waka on facebook, trying to beat his brother in waka Haha In the end, he did not beat his bro Zack played texas pooker Wah lao, huat ah zack, win big I played bowling buddies I need to be in the top 10 Cannot Haiz Next dfund lec Lend wafy my laptop to play Texas Poker Dennis was at home, sick Sick can also play poker Later bad luck ah dennis Learn more bout JK flip flops Fun Lunch next Shasha showed me and elle all her dance pics and videos nice haha The guys play poker with real $$$ Haha effcom next Writing skills test Kay i admit i am nt gd at it CKT lab AC Circuit Annamalai turned the lab into a clubhouse My boombox and Ipod is enough to do the damage Haah Enjoy the music Wafy again stared his choir of ROCK MUSIC!!!!!!!!! Dillon keep scaring me with the shocking look Hahas Aft sch gather at tp bridge I was fooled by them to push the "admin block" on the 3D mapp Haha faris botak also kena Black was quite smart bout the admin thingy Went home Arrrggghhh I sprained my shoulder during the jog I need koyok Serious This one buey tahan At home, take a nap Because I was super duper trooper tired Woke up at ard 8pm On the net Suddenly, my home blackout Haiz Offline for a while It turnre\\ed out that it was due to a lamp My favourite table lamp Haiz Trw, watching harry poter with sufyan, naqib and maybe fahmi Woohoo I nvr miss harry potter movies since its 1st season Im A fan of Harry Potter Harry Potter rox |
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title: Hey
Agent 303 here For the next few days, I will be playing this song once you access my blog Title"Hanya Segenggam Setia" Artist: Ekamatra The lyrics of this song gives a deep impact on me It is so impactful that I can even cry listening to this song Will you be willing to let go of your loved one if he/she wants to be with a better person in the name of love? But fate will tell us who is our soulmate Sob Anyway, today thought of going on a morning expedition But the imminent rain prevented me from doing so 0745h, downpour, raining cats and dogs Awwww, Too bad So trw, morning expedition continues I hope its sunshine all the way to the night Im walking on sunshine, baby, YEAH!!!!! Its gotta feel good!!! Ok stop singing, later tomorrow rain, no expedition for you Went to engine block Watch WWE videos on youtube Promote people on Mafia wars Just to increase my Mafia attack With the help of quek Went to CKT tutorial Now I know how to calculate polars and rectangle How to convert rectangle to polars and vice versa It took me 2 lectures and one tutorial lesson to understand this concept haha AC circuits is fun Aft CKT tutorial, ckt lec Learn bout AC circuits Fun man Lend annamalai my ipod touch Listen to my music Wah so loud his e3arpiece that even naqib can hear the music from behind Haha Especially sugar, billie jean Haha My lips like sugar.... Kk Next FASC lec 1st dr ven nag at us for a few minutes Dunno what he nag Then learn bout what I 4got Haiz Change in pressure, Thats what I can remember Apaday(slamming my head) Next is course meeting Highlight the feedback given by students just to name a few Dfund lec is always noisy because gt few courses In the same lec Kept blaming on Clean energy Most hated subject, fASC only 5 people like FASC haha Who could it be? Dfund lab, nt enough jumper wires Well how I wish if we have a roll of jumper wires in every lab Easier Aft the meeting, went to KFC for takeaway lunch Aft takeaway, went to Samuel and group Did the last qn on Emath2 assignment next is Emath 2 tutorial cum quiz The quiz is easy Haha Can do Aft quiz, ciao Vincent and xian de suspected 2 china students of cheating One of them never brought the maths Table So in the end had to share They made use of floor and use their shoe to flip the pages and pass the table Haiz They intended to pau to them Haiz Had to leave early to downtown east Went to Pasir Ris with erfaan and fahmi On the bus, have a good chat with them At Pasir Ris Inter, I split with Fahmi and Erfaan and fahmi's fren walk all the way to downtown east Explore the area like one or two times This is the life of an emo agent 303 Aft exploring downtown east Like about 45 mins Meal at Tampines Inter Went home I was invited by yani to access her blog She is my religious class friend Able to access her blog Wow she is a metal freak!!! Yeah ROCKNEVERDIEZ!!!!!!!!!! Lolz Then access to her frens blog I recognise another of my religious class frens blog As soon as i went to her blog I started laughing at the song I dunno what song is that Did research of the song Title:Zunea Zunea Artist; cleopatra stratan Nice song Labels: Agent 303 signing off, at 2152h |
title: YAWN!!!
Arrrggggghhhh so sleepy Oh and there is more Agent 303 have to complete these task for trw -money for flight simulator trw(Im sry if I can't pay trw) -pay the AEL t shirt -Undersatnd FASC topic(this one have to emphasise more) -Explore once again Ok Today is the day everything went allright Reached school at about 0730h aft a nice morning jog Play Bowling Buddies at TP Xian De arrived later He said there is some prob with the bottle vending machine He wanted to choose green tea but ended up stuck in the machine So I had to purchase a bottle of coke just to help the green tea bottle out of the Conveyor belt of the vending machine Hooray, the green tea bottle is out But the coke got stuck This is because I chose the wrong column of the coke, the column where the green tea that was stuck is So i made my next try, this time I chose the bottomost row and furthest column of the bottle vending machine The Ice mountain Able to receive a bottle of coke But the column was to small for zack to take the coke out So that I can get Ice mountain at the same time But in the end, the ice mountain is stuck Haiz Anyway, I took the coke And Samuel took the green tea E maths 2 Learn bout partial differentiation Interesting Xian de got a mentos gum Looking at the mentos and coke, I have an Idea Pour a bit of coke on the cap Ask xian de for the mentos And experiment it The reaction is not fast compared to using the original mentos Still not satisfied? Drank 3/4 of the coke and dip the mentos with the remaining coke in LT30 In the end experiment failed Awww nvm, so throw away the coke and mentos in During break, went back to the vending machine to look for the ice mountain But found out it was taken away Nvm Rushed back for lesson As I was packing up aft the lecture Dillon called me using elle's phone He wanted a calculator I agreed So I searched for my bag to look for my old calculator Cos the new one the battery is almost flat But it turned out i have the new one Its ok, it still can function Went to the bus stop to look for dillon Gave him the calculator Now2 this was the part where I got frustrated Duncan took my am sticker and paste it on his chest Lazy to go to thermoscanner, had to steal my sticker So what do i do? Angry lah.. In the end, had to take another sticker Rushed to design aft that to lepak Went to short circuit at 1045 Meet with elle and shasha I would say that the two spice girls had a good time in tp You know why??/? They skip all today's lecture FASC, Emath 1 and dfund they skip lecture Haha Yang rugi korang semua Banyak topic nak kena belajar nari tau Anyway went for FASC lec I still dun get the topic cos I dun pay attn Haha But I never use laptpop haha lunch have burger The spice girls use my laptop to surf net again Anyway elle, sorry bout the monday thingy Haha Didn't know your parents were watching Maafkan saya....maafkan saya Eh apa ni? Lu ingat zaman P ramlee ahh, Fuzz? Dillon lost much money in Poker Haiz APa dah Jadi?...Apa Nak Jadi???? Haiz, engine school has turned to a gambling den ROSAKKK, BEB. Apa Dah Jadi?...Apa nak jadi dengan korang ni semua... Orang Islam pun masih judi juga Banyak orang gila judi, nanti pun merosak diri.....akibat judi.. 10sen....20sen....50sen...1 dolar!!!!!!!! Eh wth i tokin Anyway dfund next The spice girls nvr go dfund Again, apa dah jadi ngan korang ni Learn bout flip flops There is a survey on Efren Now I know his real name Efren Lansangan Filipino Haha he is a fun lecturer who can make us interested in Dfund Haha Aft dfund, FASC lab Did on lights Mcm secondary school work Haha Calculate angle of incidence and refraction Aft FASC, home Trw, Need to prepare for an intensive morning jog |
title: Today I have lots of task to do
-complete emaths2 assignment -print out something for someone -print out a powerpoint slide for wrtoral -survey geylang market area for any updates of the situation -Complete Left 4 dead mission campaign -Complete Dota campaign -try to beat people in Facebook games All task complete except a few Print out wrtoral slides, complete L4D campaign, complete dota campaign Anyway, today went out at 8.20am Surf net at mcdonalds tampines interchange Edit my FASC slides using the internet there Aft abt 1h at mac, went to tp Alina came at ard 10.45 I was alone there So ended up both of us did the slides But as time passes by, It turned out that other memebers are somewhere in TP Tze how and farid at LT26 there Chuan Kai at the most inside of LT33 area there Shasha?Hmmm..lets just say she just came from across the causeway Tried to play dota withxian de But have trouble with that Tried to use ad hoc mode Alsocannot Haiz Anyway went to LT33 for ckt Learn bout phasors and polars Played dota and L4D throughout the lecture FUZZ, PLAY ATTENTION!!!!!! NOW YOU DONT GET THAT TOPIC!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAHA!!! Eh who are you???? Anyway stayed for emath 1 lecture Learn a valuable lesson Now i know that cos(-x)=cosx Haha Kept getting it wrong since sec sch A stay worth learmning Wrtoral Did bout product description Annamalai and I just shoot sembarang In the end able to go early ut i had to stay put Because..the girls are using my laptop Aft wrtoral, went to check out the new geylang market Nt much shops are opened Some are still arranging the stalls Its much more better compared to the old geylang market Wet market and dried food below, clothes and food centres at 2nd level Have a meal at KFC Aft that went home So tml's task: -Get a pencil case -Try out ad hoc connection Labels: Agent 303 signing off |
title: Good day to u all
Agent 303 is nt feeling well today Cough and cold Cough...Cough Lucky I am fine by the time I started writing this blog As I recall my childhood days, I can still remember my favourite programme Doraemon An an an to temo daisuki, doraemon Haha I can still remember the lyrics of the song I miss doraemon If there is a dvd on doraemon I would surely buy it Miss my childhood days I grew up with doraemon I still remember waking up on sundays at 9am On Indonesian channel Just to watch doraemon Now doraemon is still shown on channel 8 But i am not sure which time Other than doraemon Miss Popeye the sailorman Im popeye the sailorman, toot toot!! I live in the moving van... Haha its pleasant enough to recall the memories of the past Look at how different are you from the past and now And you can see you have grown up To become a special individual oh Agent 303 is having a special mission trw Need to sleep early Labels: Agent 303 signing off at 2330h |
title: Today marks my last day as a mat
mat Cyber Now mat cyber has a new name Mat Cyber agent code 303 Lolz Anyway today woke up at 0520h Breakfast and prayers, headed out to sch at 0630h Went to eat at vikesh's place Prata and coffee Ummm mamamama K rubbish Aft that, walk round tampines area As I was taking a rest at a bench Saw a flasher heading towards me Danger!Danger! Red Alert!!!! So quickly walk away and headed straight to tp At tp, watch wwe matches on my laptop Watched until dfund lesson starts Dfund lab lesson Did on encoder and decoder Fun man Lab lesson is always fun I could not find any pencil So take out everything inside my bag My laptop charger and my boombox Annamalai saw my boombox So he used my boombox to blast his music from a lab room to a clubbing room Nice I want to make love right now na na That was one song Annamalai loves to play Almost played Sakongsa poem song Haha The whole class seems in the groove I love to groove It motivates me to complete the task quickly Thats why I was able to set up the circuit for both experiments Haha Anan took my earpiece to use it for his ipod during lec So give him CKT lec Learn bout polars and phasors Still nt sure bout the topic Nvm Anyway aft ckt lec, lunch with elle and shasha Use my com once again Surf net Aft lunch Followed elle to vikesh place, i mean prata shop to look for annamalai I need the earpiece so went there to look for him Aft retrieving my earpiece prayers at alkaff Went home after dat Went to bedok to cut my hair Went to downtown east and take a stroll there Then take a stroll at pasir ris park Ohh so peaceful Imagine if life were this peaceful After taking a 30 min stroll, went home |
title: Greetings to all
I have become a secret agent Now I have a list of mission for me to complete I could not inform you all my mission as this is TOP SECRET!!! But in general my mission is simple To make sure that you all are happy always The mission starts now! Labels: Agent 303 signing off |
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title: today is the day where "sunshine" conquers the rain
What i mean it that today is my happiest day ever You know why? The dfund lectures and ckt lab lessons keep me alive I had another secret weapon to keep my happiness going Which is singing When you sing, you tend to keep yourselves entertained Juz play your favourite music and sing to it And even dance to it Thats what I do on my way to school Forget all the hardships and enjoy the music That is why Im so hyped up everyday Haah Anyway today woke up at 0520h Aft breakfast, bathe and prayers, set off at 0620h Went to sunplaza park and enjoy the natural scenery Ah peaceful, a good thing to start the day with Aft that, took 8 to tp Edwin have the game l4d I have it in my laptop But poor thing My antivirus software prevented me frm doing so Haiz As I look at people passing by Saw many people bringing toolbox ALAMAK!!!!!! Lucky my lab is in the afternoon So Im thinkin of goin back home for a while aft dfund lesson To retrieve my toolbox Dfund lesson Learn bout multiplexer and demultiplexer Fun Aft dfund, went home to retrieve my toolbox Went back to tp Play bridge with zack, samuel, guan rui, vincent and xian de Fun With the music from my boombox and the playing of cards Its like a mini clubbing house Haha Next dfund lec Listen to efrn talking OI OI TIMEOUT TIMEOUT Haha Learn bout latches and flip flops Aft that hasta la vista Lunch There elle and shasha use my laptop to checkout the news on their respective activities Kay then we have a good chat Next is effcom lesson Gt my test result 15/20 gd Nxt ckt lab We hear choirs of future rockstars at the back of the lab Wafy lead singer Jaz the bassist Faizal lead Duncan drummer....Mcm paham je si fuzz ni Rockstar choir in lab I joined in the fun by singing a song "Apa dah jadi.." What have happened I was reprimanded by elle to stop singin Haha Aft the experiment, surf the net Duncan used it to check his facebook He introduced dinie to wafy and faizal As we were browsing through the net, We smell a "dirty bomb" We all quickly ran away Turned out it was wen xin Haha Faizal could not hold his laughter Hahaha When faizal laugh, he could not stop for at least 5 min Haha Relax faizal learn to relax Aft lab, lepak at mushroom Wafy told dillon bout what happened at lab Dirty bomb Haha Soon, wenxin appeared I caled wen xin to duncan Wafy asked wen xin whether he made the "dirty bomb" Haha The most funny thing is when he wanted to say goodbye Funy sia his goodbye Dun be so bad to him, he is a nice guy Went home to prepare for trw Trw is makeover day |
title: Jangan tunggu lama lama nanti lama lama dia diambil orang
Which means dun wait too long or later he/she belongs to someone else If you like that person, my advice to you is GO AND GET IT!! Haha Anyway today woke up at 0520h Aft prayers and breakfast, went out at 0620h Went on a morning jog at tampines Jog frm st hilda there to Tampines st 43/45 there Thinking of crossing the bridge to pasir ris But...nvm Took 28 frm tampines st 45 Took 8 somewhere near ngee ann sec sch to tp Saw quek at engine school He used my com to watch wwe Haha Next is CKT Thevenin's theorem and norton's theorem is so easy Haha Today is a cold day What i mean is that its cold in both tutorial rms of emath2 and CKT But i still can tahan Samuel had to put on sweater Poor thing Next is CKT lec Nvr pay attention Use laptop to go internet Fahmi was up on his usual tricks again Use my com and go to ---- website Do you have nothing better to do? Anyhow use people com and sabo people by going to such sites? U want to go to such sites, you use your own com Anything nt my prob Intro to AC circuits I had one eye on the lecturer and the other eye on the com HAHA FASC i did nt pay much attn Use my com to copuy the formulas Haha No apel lesson so went out Followed shasha and elle to tampines inter Shasha wanted to repair the phone but it turned out that it cost $100-$200 Haiz So in the end, she was unable to repair her phone Walk round tampines wif dem Then I saw a familiar figure Jonathan Talking bout him, he will be migrating trw This was announced ard last week Since its a long day trw We were unable to send him off So gd luck in ur education in UK Aft walking in tampines, Returned to TP OTW, saw naqib and danial Follow them to meet sufyan in which they had to set up the notice board Had a load of good time Do moonwalk and dance to Michael Jackson's billie jean "She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene..." Haha Went to emath2 tutorial at 2 We all keep teasing thje china girls in our class Trying to remember their names Dedicated to Zack Haha Played classical music at the back of class lolz Aft emath2, went out to pasir ris Explore pasir ris Went back to tampines KFCed Home ALAMAK dfund Mamposss!!!!!!!!!! |
title: By the time I started typing this blog, I felt damn tired
Seriously speaking, I am exhausted today Okay Today woke up at 5am Have breakfast After prayers, went out at 0615h Reached school at 0630h Still gt lots of time, so take a jog round tampines From tp to tampines interchange and back to tp again Refreshed after jogging First leson, e maths lesson Learn bout further intergration Haha fun Aft the lecture, went to cyber centre to configure my laptop Try out the internet access there Quite slow Esp if you are going youtube when I went back to engine block, saw jason Have a chat with him for a while Soon dillon, duncan and the rest came Duncan wanted to use my laptop for a purpose Lucky i have configured it first During FASC he use my laptop to go msn But it turns out the msn was laggy In the end he returned it to me So i went to youtube Watch dangdut videos Haha Instead of looking at notes, i look at Inul dancing Apa dah jadi....Apa dah jadi....Apa nak jadi................ Never listen you dun get the topic This is what happened Lunch Elle and shasha use my laptop to surf the net Supposed Duncan who is using my laptop to try out the msn But he hended up having a poker game with his frens He came too late Haiz Shasha showed us her dance pics Cool pics I would say Disaster at dfund lec Fahmi use my computer and went to a p--- site Gay p--- site Freak I know you all have a dirty mind but please dun let it out These things also want to show to people Then, Safiyah asked me for help online The lower secondary students from damai sec had e learning She had prob submitting her work online So she send me her work online to me Now i know whats the prob The file she send me was docx But the damai internet server only accepts doc format So i opened the file and resave it into doc format The moment i opened, I saw a topic on contraceptions and birth controls All of a sudden, Gary and Fahmi anyhow say ah p--- what birth control Little thing like this also wanted to make it big You all think too far Yeah, as we grow up, we all tend to think out of the box This is what happens when you think out of the box Finally I helped her submit her work in the midst of my lecture Gd Next FASC There is a survey conducted for mr tam I mostly shaded disagree section On the comment part, i wrote crack jokes Lolz I was daydreaming throughout the lesson No wonder Mr Tam called me many times Dreaming of...ummm nvm I have nt done the survey Try to use my com and access tp email But it took for me 30 mins to access it Did the survey Aft fasc went to mac to have dinner Went home |
title: Monday Blues struck me once again
Blues, I gt the blues Anyway woke up at ard 8 Aft getting ready for school, went to have breakfast at bedok res mac A cup of coffee and hashbrowns with sausage mcmuffins I have The heat was too intense I had Cos the aircon is nt working Suffer This is the 2nd time i enconter this experience Haiz But anyway juz get to it Took bus no 8 to temasek poly Saw kuanhong After we arrived at tp, looked for xian de Hiding at his fav spot hang out until 11am Apel lesson next Learn how to solve problems you enconter Let me give you a situation You have 2 minutes of pleasure with ur love one Suddenly, your girlfriend was pregnant So what should you do? Like a phrase saying, not all roads lead to rome And not every solution have its effectiveness We need to think of its consequences before we execute out the solution Next CKT learn bout nodal analysis Fahmi kept askin me riddles Haha I almost laughed behind there Stayed back for emath 1 lec But I did nt pay attn this time Cos I had to settle a prob between a friend of mine I had to play the role of middlemen This friend a wanted money badly frm friend b aft he returned the ipod to frriend b Cos friend a bought the ipod frm friend b but unexpected consequences forced friend a to return the ipod to friend b Since friend b was unable to meet friend a during the drranged date of their meeting He passed the money to the third party, friend c The money was held by a third party He had been wanting the money badly for 2 weeks So I had to persuade friend c to return the money This goes on until wrtoral lesson where I was supposed to present Friend C wanted me to pay $15 1st to friend a So you wanted me to pay the money 1st??? You had the money, you give it to him Nvm I did on solving problems in canteen Annamalai had some prob with his slide until mrs radha had to stop our presentation In the end gt c During the presentation, saw a 10 cent coin Picked it up I must be lucky Haha This is not the first time I picked a coin on the floor For me its the third time if i am nt wrong Haha Lucky Fuzz Aft wrtoral, took 15 to tampines to buy the adapter for loudspeaker Cos I lost the nokia adapter Dunno where I put 65 home |
title: Recently i have been browsing through amr diab's song
Frm there I move in deeper to other arabic singers from pretty female singers like pascal mashalani and Haifa wehbe to handsome male singers like Hisham Abbas and also Amr diab Their songs are nice Well Middle East do producegreat singers like them Among them, amr diab is my favourite This is one of his famous songs Title Habibi Ya Nour El Ain |
title: hey
So long nvr post Its bcos Ive been busy settling house matters Like cleaning up my house Since last fri Berserakkkkkkkkk(messy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) nvm last fri aft the talk explore simei area Haha but its juz for a short while cost last fri I am damn tired At home, sleep I love exploring Well the more you explore, the more new things you'll discover I have a few explorations in mind now But onlytime will tell where Im exploring Sat went back to damai We were made unwelcomed by the teachers It was as if they have forgotten us I went back to damai with leslie, quek and jack e left in the middle of the speech day ceremony Followed jack to eat at mac at bedok north st 3 area dere Went home Sun, the day I ate a lot 1st gt back my religious class exam result I failed 1 subject Next is the reason I ate a lot Went to 2 wedding functions Have a good meal 2 plates of noodles In 2 areas Can u imagine dat In the afternoon Have western food at kembangan area Nice And again have noodles at night Man What a meal it is today |
title: Good day to you
Today is juz like any normal day Nuthin to tok about haha kay today i fast forward everything Dfund, fastforward Break fast forward Dfund lec learn bout encoder and decoder Lunch with the usual person Effcom next Learn bout writing skills CKT test ummm quite okay Haha Cn do ckt lab test Aft test, lepak at canteen wif duncan, tze how and elle Have fun talking Haha went home at 5.30pm |
title: Today is the most tiring day eva
need lots of koyok Cos I sprained my shoulder juz nw on the way home Arrrggggh Cannot sleep tonighr today, wake up at 0510h Breakfast and all Left home at 0615h Haha, u noe why Ileft early? Cos i need to return jeremy's thumbdrive at damai sec Took 65 to my old school Waited for 10 min B4 realising he is in sch So went to the school gate and give him the thumbdrive Then set off Took 22 to TP area there Still got lots of time so took the opportunity to explore tampines Walk frm st hilda's side there toTampines JC area Took pics along the journey of course I love photography, It is my hobby Every picture tells a story Thinking of walking all the way to pasir ris But I gt lost in the middle of journey So in the end, ended up walking past tampines jc And back to tp with bus no 8 Sweating like hell But I enjoyed my exploration journey round Tampines area I love exploring placs Anyway CKT 1st When I did my tutorial work, I cant understand a thing And u noe why ? I used milliampere to calculate voltage instead of amperes Haiz But overall ckt is simple Nxt ckt lec Learn bout thevenin's theorem Simple FASC next Finish the chapter Next APEL Learn bout habis Aft apel, lunch at kfc wit elle and shasha There saw the witchdoctor guy If u dunno who, he is the ooh e ooh ah ah ding dang walla walla bang bang guy He was wif his gf Then we kept talkin bout him Usually, couples sit face to face whenever they are having lunch But they sit side by side But Its ok, that is even more romantic Feeding each other, oh my.... Imagine if I were in his shoes wif a girl.... Dream on lah fuzz, dun have a gf want to dream big like them Anyway, I was given a mash potato by elle Cos she cannot finish So ate mash potato along the way back to TP Finish it up Head to E Math 2 tutorial Did intergration Interesting WEll engineering courses roxxx Esp when it comes to maths Love maths, love dfund Tutorial ended at 1500h So wat to do? Look for a bridge that connects Tampines to Pasir Ris Finally found it Took pics of cars in the highway Nice view On the way to pasir ris inter, saw a young couple rendezvous on the bridge Looking at the canal in Pasir Ris So romantic, I wish I could be like them Haha Well love is an undescribable feeling Love is blind That is what I call the beauty of love Anyway, took 15 to Tampines inter Bought polar cakes Home alone |